25.02.2025 14:31
CHP Gaziantep Deputy Hasan Öztürkmen stated that the ship carrying 8,912 cattle imported from Brazil docked at İskenderun Port on February 20, and added, "We have obtained a list showing which companies received how many of the imported animals. At the top of the list is Köfteci Yusuf. In the 3rd and 4th places, there are companies that supply meat to Burger King and McDonald's."
CHP Gaziantep Deputy Hasan Öztürkmen stated that "the meat barons are getting rich off the backs of the citizens," and made the following statement; 'For months, we have been explaining the fraud occurring in the import of meat and live animals carried out by the state. We are revealing that the meats that should be on the citizens' tables are being distributed among certain large companies, and we are calling on the authorities to stop this dirty wheel. However, those in power are turning a blind eye. We will present a new scandal with documents on this issue. We learned from journalist Sadettin İnan's article that the ship carrying 8,912 cattle imported from Brazil by the Meat and Milk Institution (ESK) docked at İskenderun Port on February 20.
"NAMET COMPANY IS IN 4TH PLACE" As we examined this last batch of live animal imports, the scale of the scandal became apparent. Because we reached the list of companies that received the imported animals. At the top of the list is Köfteci Yusuf with 400 cattle. In 3rd place with 320 animals is EKUR A.Ş, one of the subsidiaries of TAB Gıda, which includes Burger King. Immediately following, the 4th buyer is Namet company with 240 cattle. Namet, which was fined 72 million TL by the Competition Authority last year for disrupting market balance, is also the meat supplier for McDonald's.
CHP Gaziantep Deputy Hasan Öztürkmen. "WHY IS CHEAP MEAT GOING TO KÖFTECİ YUSUF?" The kilogram sale price of the live animals distributed to the companies is only 175 Turkish liras. If the AK Party government directly sells the cheap meats imported through the Meat and Milk Institution, citizens could buy meat for a maximum of 260-280 TL. After all, didn't they start the meat importation with the propaganda 'Citizens will eat cheap meat'? Then why are the cheap imported meats, brought in by spending billions of lira, going into the pockets of private companies instead of the citizens' kitchens? Why is cheap meat going to Köfteci Yusuf, Burger King, and McDonald's suppliers instead of the citizens?
"WE WILL NOT GIVE UP ON THE BIG FRAUD" On the other hand, the government, which is collapsing our local producers with meat imports and undermining local production, is filling the pockets of foreign farmers with billions of lira. However, if the enormous money spent on imports were given as support to Turkish farmers, and if cheap feed opportunities were provided, both local production would increase and citizens would have access to cheap meat. As seen, the winners of the meat and live animal imports carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry are certain large firms and foreign farmers. The Turkish producer is on the verge of extinction. Our citizens cannot even pass in front of the butcher. They are waiting in line for cheap meat in the cold of this winter. Just a few days ago, the heartbreaking situation of our citizens waiting for hours in line at -5 degrees in Erzurum was reflected in the press. We will not give up on the big fraud made through imported meat.'