27.02.2025 17:24
TUSAŞ shared on social media the formation flight conducted simultaneously by two HÜRJETs, alongside the Commander of the Air Force, General Ziya Cemal Kadıoğlu, and the Commander of the Spanish Air Force, General Francisco Braco Carbo.
Images of two HÜRJETs in the sky at the same time were shared from the social media account of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ).
Two HÜRJETs developed by TUSAŞ performed a flight simultaneously. Moments of the formation flight conducted by the Commander of the Air Force, General Ziya Cemal Kadıoğlu, and the Commander of the Spanish Air Force, General Francisco Braco Carbo, were shared on TUSAŞ's social media account. The post included the following statements:
"Our Commander of the Air Force, General Ziya Cemal Kadıoğlu, conducted a formation flight with the Commander of the Spanish Air Force, General Francisco Braco Carbo. With each new flight, we not only elevate our targets but also write history with our star and crescent wings in the blue skies of our homeland."