05.03.2025 22:20
The message from PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, who called for the terrorist organization to lay down its arms, has also emerged. It has been learned that Öcalan told the DEM Party delegation, "Speak about peace, embrace peace."
The expected statement came after the DEM Party's delegation in Imralı met with the terrorist organization PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. Öcalan called on the PKK to lay down their arms last week.
After the call, the terrorist organization PKK announced a ceasefire, and new details about the process emerged. According to a report in Habertürk, Abdullah Öcalan conveyed a message to the DEM Party deputies during the meeting in Imralı. It was learned that Öcalan said, "Speak about peace, embrace peace, and convey it."
In his message titled "Call for Peace and Democratic Society," leader Öcalan stated, "The PKK was born in the context of the prohibitions on freedoms, primarily the denial of the Kurdish reality, during the 20th century, which was the most violent century in history, marked by two world wars, real socialism, and the cold war environments experienced globally."
The message noted that the organization was heavily influenced by the realities of the century's real-socialist system in terms of theory, program, strategy, and tactics, stating, "The collapse of real socialism in the 1990s due to internal reasons and the resolution of identity denial in the country, along with the developments in freedom of expression, have led to the PKK's meaninglessness and excessive repetition. Therefore, the organization has completed its life like its peers and has made its dissolution necessary."
In the statement, it was emphasized that throughout their history of over 1000 years, Turks and Kurds have seen the need to remain in an alliance to sustain their existence and stand against hegemonic powers. It was stated, "The last 200 years of capitalist modernity have aimed to fragment this alliance. The affected powers have made it their primary goal to serve this with class foundations. This process has accelerated with the monolithic interpretations of the Republic. The main task today is to reorganize the historically fragile relationship in a spirit of brotherhood without ignoring beliefs."
The message emphasized the inevitability of the need for a democratic society, stating: "The separate nation-state, federation, administrative autonomy, and culturalist solutions, which are the inevitable result of extreme nationalist tendencies, cannot respond to the historical sociology of society. Respect for identities, the ability to express themselves freely and organize democratically, and the socio-economic and political structures that each segment considers essential can only be possible with the existence of a democratic society and political space. The second century of the Republic can only have a lasting and brotherly continuity when crowned with democracy. There is no, and cannot be, a non-democratic path for system searches and realizations. Democratic consensus is the primary method."
The message indicated that the language of the peace and democratic society period must also be developed in accordance with reality, stating, "The call made by Mr. Devlet Bahçeli, in this climate formed by the will expressed by the President and the positive approaches of other political parties towards the known call, calls for laying down arms, and I take on the historical responsibility of this call. Just as every contemporary society and party that has not been forcibly ended should do voluntarily, gather your congress for integration with the state and society and make a decision; all groups must lay down their arms, and the PKK must dissolve itself. I send my greetings to all segments that believe in common living and heed my call."