31.07.2024 11:10
The extension works of the Istanbul direction in Bolu Mountain Tunnel started in the morning hours. The route between Abant and Kaynaşlı toll booths on the Anatolian Highway will be closed for 50 days due to the works. Drivers are being redirected to the D-100 highway from the Abant toll booths during the ongoing works for extending the tunnel by 67 meters.
The Istanbul direction of Bolu Mountain Tunnel has been closed to traffic due to the extension work of the tunnel tube, which is 67 meters long. Road authorities have placed barriers at the Abant toll booths. The work, which is planned to be completed in 50 days, will require drivers to use the D-100 road to reach Kaynasli.
Work has begun on the Bolu Mountain Tunnel on the TEM Highway. As of 08:45 in the morning, traffic towards Istanbul has been closed from the Abant Junction. The tunnel extension work in the Istanbul direction will keep the road closed for 50 days.
Drivers heading towards Istanbul will exit from the Abant toll booths and use the D-100 highway. Drivers will re-enter the highway from the Kaynasli toll booths. Traffic on the Ankara direction of the highway will proceed as usual. The tunnel is planned to be reopened on September 19 after the completion of the work.
Savas Bayindir, the 4th Regional Director of Highways, provided detailed information, stating, "The tunnel tube will be extended by 67 meters using a steel structure consisting of double plates with a thickness of 7 millimeters each, and 300 tons of steel will be used."