As the year 2025 approaches, the debts of the General Health Insurance (GSS) continue to be a significant concern for millions of citizens. New regulations are expected to be implemented to enable citizens facing payment difficulties to benefit from GSS services. THE AK PARTY IS PREPARING A PROPOSALThe AK Party is preparing to submit a bill that includes some regulations regarding General Health Insurance (GSS) premiums. ON THE AGENDA OF THE GRAND NATIONAL ASSEMBLYThe bill, which will also include regulations related to the premium debts of approximately 400,000 citizens who are unable to pay the mandatory GSS, will be submitted to the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly today. AK Party Group Deputy Chair Leyla Şahin Usta will hold a press conference to provide information about the proposal after submitting the "Bill on Amendments to the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law and Other Laws," which includes some regulations that were annulled by the Constitutional Court. THE PROPOSAL WILL BE DISCUSSED ON THURSDAYIt has been learned that the law proposal will be discussed in the Health, Family, Labor, and Social Affairs Commission on Thursday. If a family's income per person is less than one-third of the gross minimum wage, the GSS premium is paid by the state. If it is more than one-third, these individuals can benefit from GSS by paying premiums. It is reported that approximately 400,000 individuals who cannot pay their GSS premiums have debts close to 250 million lira.