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A doctor in Adana attacked with a teapot: Family physician admitted to intensive care.

A doctor in Adana attacked with a teapot: Family physician admitted to intensive care.

11.09.2024 08:31

Doctor Can Cevher Gürler, who works at Dumlupınar Family Health Center in Seyhan district of Adana, was attacked with a teapot by Seracettin D. during an argument during an examination. After receiving initial treatment from his colleagues at the health center, Doctor Gürler was taken to the intensive care unit.

The incident occurred during the daytime at the family health center in Dumlupınar neighborhood, located in the central Seyhan district. Seracettin D., whose medical records were with another doctor, came to Dr. Can Cevher Gürler to get a work entry report. Dr. Gürler stated that he could only provide a report informing about the situation to someone who is not registered with him, which led to an argument. As the argument escalated, Seracettin D. attacked the doctor with an electric kettle in the room.

Attacked a doctor with a kettle in Adana: Family physician hospitalized in intensive care


As a result of the attack, Gürler suffered a dislocated shoulder, a crack in the skull, and open wounds. Health and police teams were dispatched to the scene upon notification. Gürler was taken to the hospital by the health team and admitted to the intensive care unit for treatment. Seracettin D. was taken into custody by the police, and an investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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