Demi Moore fans were shocked when a video of the star kissing a teenager resurfaced. After winning her first award at the Golden Globe on Sunday night and the ongoing controversy surrounding her alleged "disagreement" with Kylie Jenner, the 62-year-old actress is once again at the center of discussions due to an old video. In footage aired by Entertainment Tonight in 1982, the Hollywood icon is seen kissing a 15-year-old boy several times. At the time, the 19-year-old actress is seen kissing Philip Tanzini, her co-star from the soap opera "General Hospital," at his 15th birthday party in three different instances. Moore turns to the camera and says, "I love him so much. He’s one of my favorite people... He’s really a great guy, and I love him a lot." Despite being married to her first husband Freddy Moore at the time, the star of "Indecent Proposal" does not shy away from close contact with her young co-star. Looking a bit tipsy, Moore continues, "I love Philip, and he’s the only one I love." Philip joins in the joke, saying, "By the way, we’re getting married. Don’t let her husband hear." Moore laughs and replies, "I can’t wait. He’s really a great guy. He is, and I love him because he makes me happy." The video went viral again on social media following Moore's career-defining night at the Golden Globe. Fans expressed their shock about the footage on the X platform, with some commenting, "Are we forgetting that Demi Moore kissed a child just because she made a good TV show and movie?" Meanwhile, after winning an award for her critically acclaimed performance in the body horror film "The Substance," Moore gave an emotional speech. The mother of three said, "I really didn’t expect this. I’m in shock right now. I’ve been doing this for a long time, over 45 years, and this is the first time I’ve won an award as an actress." Towards the end of her speech, she added, "The message of this film is this: In moments when we don’t see ourselves as smart enough, beautiful enough, thin enough, or successful enough... Know that you will never be 'enough,' but if you know your worth, you can put the measuring stick aside." After her emotional award speech, she celebrated with her daughters Rumer (36), Scout (33), and Tallulah (30) from her ex-husband Bruce Willis.