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A warning from Şimşek to citizens: "Report businesses that say 'credit cards are not accepted' immediately."

A warning from Şimşek to citizens:

29.09.2024 12:10

The Minister of Treasury and Finance, Mehmet Şimşek, announced that all tradespeople and businesses must use new generation payment recording devices and accept payments via bank cards and credit cards. Addressing citizens who receive the response "We do not accept credit cards" from businesses, Şimşek said, "If you report this to our Revenue Administration, inspections will be conducted and necessary penalties will be applied."


The Minister of Treasury and Finance, Mehmet Şimşek, evaluated the efforts carried out by the Revenue Administration (GİB) regarding businesses that do not accept card payments. Şimşek pointed out that many applications have been implemented so far to enhance the fight against the informal economy, and in this context, he recalled that payment recording devices that issue receipts have been integrated with POS devices that allow payments with bank cards in retail goods and services provided by tradesmen and businesses.

Şimşek emphasized that the new generation payment recording devices developed within the scope of this regulation prevent sales from being unrecorded by allowing the slip and receipt to be issued as a single document in payments made with bank cards. He noted that they are working on the fact that some taxpayers still use old generation devices and do not accept credit cards for payments, and he stressed that with a communiqué published at the end of last year, all taxpayers are required to purchase new generation payment recording devices and must accept payments via bank cards or credit cards by July 1, 2024.


Şimşek stated the following regarding the new regulation; "Now, all tradesmen and businesses providing retail goods and services are required to use new generation payment recording devices and must offer the option to pay with bank cards or credit cards. Special administrative fines are imposed on taxpayers who do not purchase new generation payment recording devices or do not offer the option to pay with bank cards or credit cards during inspections conducted by GİB. We see that some businesses are demanding higher amounts compared to cash payments, citing the high commission rates of banks as a reason. It is important that our taxpayers do not seek to charge the commission difference to citizens for this reason."


Şimşek mentioned that the rates of some banks have recently decreased and fallen below 2%, saying, "In this context, if citizens who are not offered the option to pay with a bank card or credit card or are asked for a high amount of difference report this to our Revenue Administration, inspections will be conducted, and necessary penal actions will be taken." he said.


Şimşek drew attention to the fact that GİB imposes separate fines for each detection on taxpayers who are required to purchase new generation payment recording devices but are only provided with POS devices by banks and payment institutions, saying, "With the recent change in the law, the penalty amount has been increased to 200,000 lira. This amount will be increased each year with the revaluation rate. The Presidency has written official letters to all banks and payment institutions, requesting an end to the use of faulty POS devices in this way, the collection of these devices from taxpayers, and the provision of new generation payment recording devices instead. Banks and payment institutions that do not make this change within the given time will also be fined for each detection. Our Ministry continues its efforts to combat informality in retail trade decisively and without interruption. With these efforts, we are also deepening our work to increase fairness and efficiency in taxation."


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