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A Wildlife Workshop was Organized at OMU.

A Wildlife Workshop was Organized at OMU.

28.06.2024 16:10

The 1st National Wildlife Workshop, organized by Ondokuz Mayıs University, was held at the Atatürk Cultural Center. Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal emphasized the importance of wildlife research and stated that Turkey could be a focal point in this field. Resul Doğan, the Director of Nature Conservation and National Parks in Samsun 11th Region, expressed that wildlife is an important part of biological diversity.

The 1st National Wildlife Workshop was organized by Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ).

OMÜ Rector Prof. Dr. Yavuz Ünal, in his opening speech at the program held at Atatürk Cultural Center, stated that wildlife research has become a mandatory field of study. Ünal emphasized that people are now pushing their own doomsday, saying, "Especially with the industrial revolution, the endless pursuit of winning, dominating, and occupying not only affects humans and oppressed nations, but also breaks the chain in the universe. If the issue of stray animals is being discussed today, if it is seen as a threat, there is actually an irresponsible person behind it. You can easily release an animal that you bought with the world's money onto the street. This creates a situation that disrupts the ecosystem without considering what that animal and the people living in that geography are experiencing." Ünal emphasized that wildlife research has become a necessity for the reconstruction of the ecosystem for humanity and the universe, saying, "Turkey can become the focal point in terms of wildlife with this treasure it has. It has a rich habitat and plant species, but as long as data processing is not done, it remains a burden. The burden has increased and the risk has risen. Developments that threaten the ecosystem and can cause harm are occurring."

"Wildlife is an important part of biodiversity"

Resul Doğan, the Director of Nature Conservation and National Parks Samsun 11th Regional Directorate, drew attention to the fact that Turkey is home to 12,100 plant species, 175 mammals, 500 birds, 403 fish, and 146 reptile species. Doğan emphasized that this richness is greater than that of the European continent, stating: "Wildlife is an important part of biodiversity. Today, this diversity is increasingly threatened by human activities. Factors such as habitat loss, climate change, illegal hunting, and environmental pollution make the struggle for survival of many species more difficult. The preservation of the natural habitats of wildlife and the management of their interactions with humans are of vital importance. In this regard, we are establishing national parks, nature parks, wetlands, nature conservation areas, and wildlife development areas. We protect wildlife from human interaction by imposing hunting bans and ensure their protection for breeding."

Prof. Dr. Hatice Özlem Nisbet, the Director of OMÜ Wildlife Research Institute, also explained that the world's population has doubled to over 8 billion in the last 200 years and continues to increase rapidly. Nisbet stated that this increase means that natural resources are being consumed faster than ever by billions of people on the planet. She said, "Especially climate change, habitat fragmentation and pollution, the entry of invasive species, uncontrolled fishing and poaching, the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of natural habitats threaten the diversity of ecosystems that support all life on this planet. Changes in the ecosystem also lead to the emergence of infectious and zoonotic diseases that have negative consequences for humans, animals, and our shared environment."

At the workshop, presentations were made by experts after the opening speeches.

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