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Another Seçil Erzan case! The tactic is the same, the loot is 200 million lira.

Another Seçil Erzan case! The tactic is the same, the loot is 200 million lira.

27.06.2024 17:45

It is alleged that Hatice Ö., the branch manager of a bank in the Bornova district of Izmir, defrauded individuals, including 3 executives of Karşıyaka Sports Club and 2 businessmen, with the promise of high profits amounting to 200 million lira. It was learned that Hatice Ö. attempted suicide.

In an incident that took place in Izmir, a new Seçil Erzan case occurred at Denizbank Bornova Branch. Hatice Ö., the manager of Denizbank Bornova Branch, who is also a board member of Karşıyaka Sports Club and the President of Karşıyaka Youth Basketball, allegedly collected approximately 200 million lira from 3 executives of Karşıyaka Sports Club and 2 businessmen, promising high profits by investing in funds and gold.


However, it is claimed that Hatice Ö. did not invest the collected money in the fund or buy gold. It is alleged that she sent the money to third parties. It was reported that Hatice Ö. occasionally sent money to these individuals according to their needs, but after a while, the businessmen realized that they were being defrauded and filed a complaint. As a result, an arrest warrant was issued for Hatice Ö. Police have launched an investigation to apprehend Hatice Ö., who is alleged to have defrauded hundreds of people in a similar manner.


Meanwhile, Denizbank initiated an investigation and assigned an inspector for the incident, and Hatice Ö.'s relationship with the bank was terminated as of yesterday.


It was revealed that Hatice Ö., who is accused of defrauding 3 executives of Karşıyaka Sports Club and 2 businessmen of 200 million lira with the promise of high profits, attempted suicide by taking a large amount of medication at her home. Hatice Ö., later regretted her actions and was admitted to Izmir City Hospital for treatment. It was reported that her life is not in danger and the police are waiting by her side. After her treatment, she will be taken into custody.

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