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Attack on a dentist in Adana with a warning: "How do you treat someone you have a feud with?"

Attack on a dentist in Adana with a warning:

29.09.2024 13:20

B.Ç., who operates a gym in the Ceyhan district of Adana, attacked his dentist neighbor Muhammet Fatih Erkılınç with a club. After the attack, B.Ç. fired a shotgun and then disappeared. Following the incident, visits were made to the dentist to wish him a speedy recovery.

The incident occurred on September 27 in the Namık Kemal neighborhood on Orhan Ekinci Boulevard. B.Ç., who operates a gym, went to the clinic of his neighbor Muhammet Fatih Erkılınç. After learning that Erkılınç was not at the clinic, B.Ç. asked the secretary to have him come to his workplace. In the following minutes, Erkılınç, who went to the gym, was attacked by B.Ç., who said, "How can you treat the teeth of someone I have a feud with?" B.Ç. fired a shotgun at Muhammet Fatih Erkılınç, who was trying to escape outside. Erkılınç miraculously avoided the pellets and went to the hospital. After being treated for the injuries he sustained on his face, Erkılınç went to the police to file a complaint after receiving a report of the assault. With the support of special operations police, teams raided the gym but could not find B.Ç. During a search of his workplace, the shotgun used in the attack was seized. A manhunt was initiated for the capture of B.Ç.


Dr. Dt. Metin Ersoy, Vice President of the Adana Chamber of Dentists (ADO), and Dr. Dt. Hasan Boğa, the General Secretary, visited Muhammet Fatih Erkılınç to wish him a speedy recovery. Describing his experience, Erkılınç said, "My neighbor B.Ç. came to my clinic when I was not there and asked my secretary to have me visit him. He was someone who always drank my coffee. Thinking it was a friendly invitation, I went to see him. He started hitting me in the face with a baton, saying, 'How can you treat the teeth of someone I have a feud with?' He had a box cutter in his other hand. While I was trying to protect myself and escape, he shot at me from behind with a shotgun. Fortunately, I was not hit. I did not expect a hostile attack. It hurt a lot. I went to the hospital and got a report of the assault. I reported it to the police. Since he was armed, special operations units came. They broke down the door to enter, but we learned he escaped through a side door. They also found the loaded weapon. I am a physician. I did not deserve this attack. From now on, are we going to ask our patients who come to our clinic, 'Who are you close to, who are you enemies with?' What age are we living in? I do not understand this mentality. I trust our security forces, justice, and our state. I hope the person who assaulted me will be caught as soon as possible and receive the punishment he deserves. Thank you for coming here to support me and give me strength."


Dr. Dt. Metin Ersoy, Vice President of ADO, stated, "As the administrators of the Adana Chamber of Dentists, we are against all forms of violence. Regardless of the conditions and psychological state; we do not believe that violence can be a solution in any matter. We are saddened by this situation you have experienced, which we do not accept in any way. We strongly condemn the person who carried out the despicable attack. No reason justifies him. Moreover, a physician cannot refuse a patient for such a reason. There is no alternative. We are ready to provide all necessary support by involving our chamber's lawyer in the incident. Get well soon."

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