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Attack on teachers by administrators of Private Tema College in Kastamonu.

Attack on teachers by administrators of Private Tema College in Kastamonu.

28.06.2024 23:20

During a mediation meeting between the administrators of Private Tema College, which was closed in Kastamonu, and the teachers working at the school, a brawl broke out. Three teachers who were beaten by the school administrators and one teacher's fiancé were injured. Teacher Ali Özçağlı, who said that the son of the school owner suddenly attacked him under the pretext of hugging, said, "They cursed at all of us in an unspeakable manner." The moment of the incident was captured on a mobile phone camera.

The administrators of Private Tema College, which was closed in Kastamonu, attacked the teachers who came for compensation. In the incident, 3 teachers and one teacher's fiancé were injured, and the moment of the attack was captured on a mobile phone camera.


According to the information received, the administrators of Private Tema College, who decided to close their campus in Kastamonu, met with the teachers at Doğa Köyü Teacher's House to discuss their financial rights. A dispute arose between the college administrators and the teachers during the meeting. The argument quickly escalated into a fight. During the fight, 3 teachers were beaten.

Attack on teachers by administrators of Private Tema College in Kastamonu


The teachers who were assaulted by the administrators stated that the incident was planned and organized, and that their attendance at the meeting with their lawyers was prevented by the suspects. The 3 teachers who received medical reports filed a criminal complaint against the individuals.


Ali Özçağlı, a classroom teacher who was assaulted in the incident, said: "The TEMA College where I work was suddenly announced to be closed in May without informing us. We had made agreements for the next year, and our students had registered. However, we were informed that the school would be closed. Then a notice came to the teachers of the school, both as a message and as an email. It stated that a meeting was scheduled with the teachers for compensation.

First, it was postponed from 1 to 10, then extended to the 14th. Finally, it was postponed to start from the 25th. First, it was said that the meetings would take place at the TEMA College building, then it was changed to Doğa Kültür Köyü Teacher's House. Today, I and other teachers had our meetings. They were held separately, not together with our teachers. Our teacher who was having a meeting inside would finish the meeting and leave.

Attack on teachers by administrators of Private Tema College in Kastamonu


When I went for the meeting, the son of the school owner said, 'Let me hug you, teacher,' and then he started pushing me and hitting me. Then they threw me to the ground. 3-4 people attacked, started beating me. Our teachers who were waiting for the meeting also tried to approach to separate us and asked, 'What are you doing?' They attacked and threw our teachers to the ground as well. They tried to prevent our teacher who wanted to record the incident with a camera.


They used unacceptable profanities. Then they kicked us out of there, and while we were trying to get into the car and leave, they continued to swear at us. We called the gendarmerie. It is thought-provoking that a meeting with a teacher, which was supposed to be held in a place where the gendarmerie is present, took place in a teacher's house called Teacher's House. We wanted to meet with our lawyers, but they never accepted. The people they called as mediators are not in the building.

It was an unethical meeting in terms of health and law. They started beating us without even allowing us to speak. When our teachers came to separate us, they started beating them as well. They used unacceptable profanities against all of us. When they saw that we called the gendarmerie, the owners of the school immediately took their belongings and tried to escape by getting into their cars. The gendarmerie stopped them and stopped their cars.

Attack on teachers by administrators of Private Tema College in Kastamonu

Insults continued at that moment as well. Then no one saw the owners of the school. When our other teacher friends and parents heard the news, they immediately came to Doğa Kültür Köyü Teacher's House. The gendarmerie watched the security footage. You can see from the camera recordings that the incident happened exactly as I described it," he said.


Ece Bahar, who has been working as a psychologist at Tema College for 2 years, said, "Today, I was called to the meeting for mediation at Doğa Kültür Köyü Teacher's House. They called to inform me that my meeting, which was supposed to be at 5:00 p.m., would be at 11:30 a.m. I came for the meeting so as not to disappoint them. I came with my fiancé Ahmet Er. After the meeting, I went upstairs to meet with the school's mediator. Then I heard voices, and when I looked out the window, I saw the school owners attacking our teachers. We have a wedding tomorrow, but we are currently in the hospital, getting medical reports, dealing with these matters. We are really sorry."


Onur Yalçın, a math teacher at the school, said, "When we went to meet with the school owners, I met with my teacher friends. When Ali Hoca went to the meeting and they said, 'come, let's talk,' they suddenly crowded around. This incident did not happen spontaneously. We were sitting in a different place. Suddenly, a few more people came towards Ali Hoca. Before we could understand what was happening, Ali Hoca was on the ground. In other words, this attack was planned, done intentionally, and they prevented us from going to Ali Hoca. When we tried to go towards Ali Hoca to separate the fight, they came towards us. They also held Ali Hoca on the ground and prevented him from getting up," he said.

Attack on teachers by administrators of Private Tema College in Kastamonu

Yalçın, who mentioned the Private Education Law No. 5580, said, "This law determines the qualifications of the people who will open a school. This incident of violence against teachers clearly shows that these qualifications are not met. Our parents and teachers who came to the hospital, we are grateful to all of them, they call us on the phone and support us. It is also very sad for us that there is an attack on teachers in a place called Teacher's House. Because none of the school owners who attacked us have the profession of teaching," he said.

Ahmet Er, who described the incident, used the following statements: "My fiancée had a meeting with the owners of TEMA College at Doğa Kültür Köyü Teacher's House today. We were at the requested place at the given time for the compensation meeting. My fiancée had her meeting there. After my fiancée left the building, Ali Bey was going for the meeting. I saw that things got chaotic, Ali Hocamız was lying on the ground, being beaten. We panicked and tried to intervene to stop the fight.


While trying to intervene in the fight, I experienced the school owners attacking me senselessly. They came and attacked me. The school principal came up to me and said something, knocked me down. I have dizziness due to the blow I received behind my ear, so I am having difficulty expressing myself. We came to the hospital with the shock of the incident and we are getting a medical report for the assault. First of all, I am well aware of the struggles of my fiancée and our teachers. We hope that this injustice we have experienced will be resolved. For this, we will continue our struggle," he said.


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