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"Day of Shame at the UN! Netanyahu, with the blood of tens of thousands of innocents on his hands, addresses the world."

27.09.2024 17:01

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who continues his attacks in Gaza and Lebanon, is making statements at the UN General Assembly.

The Israeli army has intensified its attacks not only in Gaza but also in Lebanon, continuing the massacre. While the brutality unfolds before the eyes of the world, a scandal is taking place at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu began his speech after arriving at the UN building among the protesters.

Highlights from Netanyahu's statements are as follows:

"Ladies and gentlemen. I did not plan to come here this year. My country is at war this year. After hearing the lies and slanders directed against us, some of which were made by people here. The reason I came here is to speak for my people, to speak for my country, to tell the truth. Israel wants peace. Israel wants calm. Israel made peace in due time and will do so again. However, we are facing barbaric enemies, and we need to defend ourselves. Our enemy wants to destroy us. They want to destroy our civilization.


The Turkish delegation and many others protested Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to the UN General Assembly by leaving the hall.

Details are coming...

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