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Did she target Minister Yerlikaya with her live broadcast statements? Müge Anlı responded with a quick answer.

Did she target Minister Yerlikaya with her live broadcast statements? Müge Anlı responded with a quick answer.

27.06.2024 18:25

Müge Anlı denied targeting the Minister of Interior, Ali Yerlikaya, who previously criticized daytime TV shows, with her statement. She said, "The people in charge should listen to what the citizens think about the functioning of these programs before criticizing television shows related to these topics."

For many years, Müge Anlı has been hosting programs on ATV screens. In yesterday's broadcast, she targeted those who criticize daytime programs. It was claimed that Anlı's words were directed at Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, who had previously said, "I don't like those programs." Anlı's new statement did not delay, which quickly became the agenda.


In today's live broadcast, Anlı stated that she did not target Yerlikaya with her words and said, "Don't act as a messenger for my words. Opportunistic circles distort my words. The mistake is mine, I spoke without mentioning names. Don't try to interfere in the relationship between Minister Yerlikaya and me. If I want to say something to him, I will call him, I have that sincerity," she said.

Did she target Minister Yerlikaya with her live broadcast words? Müge Anlı's quick response


In yesterday's broadcast, Müge Anlı said, "The leaders who are interested in these issues should listen to what the citizens think about the functioning of the programs until they criticize TV programs. I have a lot to say, and I have no hesitation in saying it, but personally, when something is said to me, I make it a principle to respond. I may hide under a stone, but I won't hide under words," she said. It was thought that Anlı's words were directed at Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, who had previously said, "I don't like those programs. It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior to shed light on the crime. It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice for justice to be served."

Famous TV presenter Müge Anlı married Şinasi Yüzbaşıoğlu, who served as the Istanbul Security Branch Director at the Istanbul Police Department affiliated with the Ministry of Interior, two years ago.

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