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He has been sitting and sleeping day and night for 36 years.

He has been sitting and sleeping day and night for 36 years.

24.07.2024 15:00

Life is very difficult for Muzaffer Işık, who has been sleeping sitting down for 36 years due to his COPD condition. Işık, who says he cries like a child at night, said, "When I sleep in the chair, people get worried and say, 'Oh no, something happened to uncle'."

Muzaffer Işık, who lives in Eskişehir, has been sleeping sitting down for 36 years because he has COPD and his breath is cut off when he lies down.

Muzaffer Işık has been sleeping in a sitting position for 36 years. 67-year-old Işık, who has COPD and experiences pressure on his heart rhythm when he lies down, meets his sleep needs at home on the couch and outside on a chair. Işık, who is constantly tired because he cannot lie down, dreams of a comfortable bed and uninterrupted sleep. Işık, whose some veins in his feet and legs are blocked and has swelling in the lower part of his back, also has difficulty walking. Muzaffer Işık, who remembers the days when he slept on his back with longing, stated that he understood how important health is through this experience. Işık prays to Allah every day for the day he will be able to sleep on his back.

He has been sleeping sitting down day and night for 36 years


Muzaffer Işık, who explains why he sleeps sitting on a chair, said, "I haven't seen the face of a bed for 36 years. The doctor told me, 'You need to have someone with you while you sleep. They should wake you up when your breath is cut off. If you don't have a companion, you will go suddenly, there is no escape.' I sit on the chair until morning. When the imam says 'Allahu Akbar' around 04.30 in the morning, I say 'My Lord, I survived another day' and thank Him. I have COPD. Since there is a hernia in my lung, it puts pressure on my heart rhythm and my breath completely stops. I can't lie on my back at all. I sit on the couch until morning. Everyone is sleeping, and I am crying like a child. Sitting constantly is uncomfortable. When I sit, I also need to move. My breath is cut off again. I wander around the house. Since the hospital is close, I sometimes go to the emergency room and they give me a serum. The serum provides relief, but the emergency doctor told me that it has a 48-hour effect and then I should go to the hospital again. I manage with that."

He has been sleeping sitting down day and night for 36 years


Işık, who stated that his biggest wish is for his swollen feet to go down and to sleep lying down, continued as follows;

"Since the capillary vessels in my feet are blocked, blood does not flow upwards and it turned into gangrene. My feet are swollen like logs. I went to heart and vascular doctors. The doctors said, 'Since blood cannot jump up and both knee caps are weak, your feet need to be amputated.' But the analysis doctor stated that 'Since this person has shortness of breath, there is a 90% chance that he will not survive the surgery.' Since I don't have a caregiver and I live with one of my siblings, I didn't go for the shortcut. In the end, my friends also didn't recommend it. I bought a hospital bed and raised the back. But I canceled it because my breath was still short. I bought a single chair and sit on it. I really want to sleep on my back. After everyone goes to sleep, around 12.00 at night, I cry like a child and pray, 'Oh God, let me sleep like this too.' I have two biggest wishes. One is for my feet and the other is for sleep. Sitting and sleeping causes physical fatigue. Since I cannot rest fully and my sleep system is disrupted, I go outside like this. When I sleep on the chair, people panic, thinking something happened to the old man. I try not to sleep, but I have to close my eyes. My neck gets stiff. It feels like the wind has entered, I can't turn left or right, it gets stiff."

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