While millions are focused on the increase in the minimum wage, the question of what level the figure of 17,002 lira will be raised to is a major topic of curiosity. MESSAGE FROM MINISTER IŞIKHAN ON MINIMUM WAGEAs eyes are turned to the first meeting of the Minimum Wage Determination Commission to be held on December 10, Minister of Labor and Social Security Vedat Işıkhan made another noteworthy statement. "GIVING A RATE ALREADY..."Minister Işıkhan stated that everyone is looking for an answer to the question of how much the minimum wage will increase, saying, "Everyone is searching for the answer to the question of how much the minimum wage will increase; giving a rate already would overshadow the will and sensitivity of our Minimum Wage Determination Commission." HE DIDN'T GIVE A FIGURE BUT DESCRIBED IT IN ONE SENTENCEHe expressed, "We hope that the minimum wage determined by the Commission will be established with a balance that will also consider the welfare of our employees and the sustainable production capacity of our employers."