In the episode of the program "Muhabbet Kralı" hosted by Okan Bayülgen, which aired on tv100, moments that scared everyone occurred this evening. ILBER TEACHER SCAREDDuring the program, which also featured famous gourmet Vedat Milor as a guest, Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı fell ill. A short break was taken from the program due to İlber Teacher's illness. Ortaylı had to leave the broadcast early. OKAN BAYÜLGEN: WE ADMIRE YOUR PROFESSIONALISMIn those moments, Okan Bayülgen stated, "Sir, your blood pressure is high, it seems you will have a fever, you are going to get sick. I admire your professionalism; no matter what age we are, you instill a sense of responsibility in us once again. We would like to send you off with our colleagues in the studio so you can rest at home." Ortaylı replied, "Let's continue another time," and ended the broadcast.