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In England, 37 inmates were mistakenly released, and 5 of them did not return.

In England, 37 inmates were mistakenly released, and 5 of them did not return.

26.09.2024 13:30

In England, 37 inmates were mistakenly released, and 5 of them did not return. The Ministry of Justice stated that this was due to the incorrect application of previous regulations in the early release program on September 10. The released individuals are under police supervision and will soon return to prison. To reduce overcrowding in prisons, 1,750 inmates were released early on September 10. This incident has brought attention to the issues within the prison system.

It has been announced that 37 prisoners were mistakenly released from prison in England, and 5 of them did not return. An official from the UK Ministry of Justice stated that this error occurred under an early release program that was initiated on September 10. The mistake stemmed from the prisoners being assessed under legislation that is no longer in effect.

It was understood that the early released prisoners did not fall under exemptions that prevent the release of those convicted of certain crimes. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice stated in an interview with Sky News that the prisoners who were released by mistake are under police supervision and will soon be returned to prison.

Another notable point is that 5 prisoners have not returned to prison. The spokesperson said, "The convictions are still valid, and the offenders have been monitored since the moment they were released. They will soon return behind bars," he said.

To reduce overcrowding in prisons in England and Wales, 1,750 prisoners were released early on September 10. A similar number of prisoners is planned to be released next month.

In addition to these developments, it was also reported that the British government has plans to rent a prison in Estonia due to the overcrowding in prisons. The number of prisoners in England and Wales, which was around 40,000 in 1991, recently reached a record level of 88,521. It was reported that there were only 83 vacant places left in male prisons.

37 prisoners were mistakenly released in England, 5 did not return

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