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It was claimed that the criminal who martyred the female police officer was part of the PİTON 82 group.

It was claimed that the criminal who martyred the female police officer was part of the PİTON 82 group.

24.09.2024 08:40

During a theft operation in Ümraniye, 19-year-old Yunus Emre Geçti, who is accused of killing 27-year-old police officer Şeyda Yılmaz, is claimed to be a member of a group called PİTON 82, which operates in the outskirts dealing with drugs, muggings, and extortion. It is stated that the role model of this group is Barış Boyun, the leader of a criminal organization, and that it has begun to grow as a new generation gang network.

In the incident that occurred in Ümraniye, the District Police Department had initiated a work to capture the suspect who escaped from the police station after being caught for the crime of 'motorcycle theft'. The 19-year-old Yunus Emre Geçti, who had 26 criminal records, resisted the police who wanted to capture him in Ihlamurkuyu.

During the ensuing struggle, he took a police officer's gun and opened fire at the surroundings and the police officers. In the incident, police officer Şeyda Yılmaz (27) was seriously injured, and police officer Kürşat Hakkı Sarıtepe and the assailant's mother P.G. (43) were also injured. The injured were taken to the hospital after their first aid, and despite all interventions, police officer Şeyda Yılmaz could not be saved and was martyred.


With the revelation that the assailant Yunus Emre Geçti has records for 1 drug-related crime, 8 drug use, 2 intentional injury, 1 sexual harassment, 2 robbery, 1 theft, 2 sexual abuse of children, 1 motorcycle theft, 1 unlicensed weapon, and 2 property damage, the situation of criminal organizations, especially in Turkey, has come to the agenda again.

It is claimed that the criminal machine that martyred the female police officer is part of the PİTON 82 group


İsmail Saymaz, who participated in a live broadcast on Halk TV, described the attack and the new generation of crime networks. Saymaz stated, "The example in Ümraniye is not an exceptional case. Look, the hitman in the Sinan Ateş murder, Eray Özyağcı, fits this profile exactly. He entered robbery at the age of 12-13. I have found more than five robbery cases related to him. The same groups have been involved in robbery crimes. Of course, there are also secondary crimes like abduction and injury. We can call this a criminal career. We are facing a new generation of crime networks."

It is claimed that the criminal machine that martyred the female police officer is part of the PİTON 82 group


In the outskirts of Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara, and Adana, there are groups raised around drugs, robbery, and extortion. It is claimed that the name of this person's group is PİTON 82. Clearly, this is a new group. Over time, they will join a higher clan. For now, they are doing the subcontracting work of the upper groups. The most developed example of these was the Dalton group. While they were engaged in extortion and drug activities, they started to operate nationwide. Then they became subcontractors for gangs like Skaljari and Kavac. The most advanced model of these organizations is the Daltons. They brought motorcycle attacks to Turkey's crime world. Their basic economy relies on drugs. It affects the 15-20 age group significantly. This does not resemble an imitation of the tough guy culture. There is a jargon and culture there. They do not get involved in drugs or women. The Barış Boyun incident reveals the situation in all its nakedness.

It is claimed that the criminal machine that martyred the female police officer is part of the PİTON 82 group


The role model for all these groups appears to be the criminal organization leader Barış Boyun. They have grown since 2014. There are groups that follow them. There are groups like Siirtli Naci that emerged in Gazi Mahallesi and its surroundings. All of them get involved first in their neighborhood, then on a scale of Istanbul, and from there to an international level. The most developed among them was Barış Boyun in Istanbul, and Binali Camgöz in Izmir. There is no lower body; it is paralyzed. Binali Camgöz was newly brought in. He was in Montenegro. He is currently in Turkey," he stated.

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