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Mehmet Ali Erbil's show "Turnike" found its first car owner! Tears flowed like a river.

Mehmet Ali Erbil's show

27.06.2024 18:44

In last night's episode of the game show "Turnike" hosted by Mehmet Ali Erbil, the first car prize was won by a family in Ankara. The family, upon realizing they had won a car, couldn't hold back their tears.

Mehmet Ali Erbil, who has been struggling with illnesses for many years, returned to the screens with the Turnstile competition. In the competition where Erbil hosted famous names, the first car prize was given to a family living in Ankara.


A family living in Ankara connected to the episode of the competition that was broadcasted last night. Seeing that the husband and wife had no teeth, Mehmet Ali Erbil said, "If you can't win a car after the competition, I will pay for your teeth to be done with my own money. I know very good dentists in Ankara." The family was asked the question "Which region is Trabzon in?" and they answered "Black Sea" and gave the correct answer. Then they tried to open the box where the car prize was. The family, who said the correct numbers, became the owner of the car. The family couldn't hold back their tears when they saw the prize.

Mehmet Ali Erbil's competition Turnstile found its first car owner! Tears flowed

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