Millions of minimum wage workers are focused on the figure that will come out of the Minimum Wage Determination Commission. Due to the fact that the minimum wage has become an 'average salary' in recent years, the figure that will come out of the commission will serve as a reference value for thousands of professions, from unskilled workers to engineers, and from doctors to lawyers. TÜRK-İŞ'S EXPECTATION IS 29,583 TLRepresenting the workers in the commission, TÜRK-İŞ announced its expectation for the minimum wage, which will be valid in 2025, as 29,583 TL after the 3rd Minimum Wage Determination Commission meeting held today. ÖZGÜR DEMİRTAŞ GAVE A CLEAR FIGUREFollowing TÜRK-İŞ's announcement, Prof. Dr. Özgür Demirtaş, a faculty member at Sabancı University, who is followed by millions for his comments, made a striking post on his social media account regarding the ongoing minimum wage discussions, stating, "23 Thousand TL...". This post was interpreted as Demirtaş's clear estimate for the increase in the minimum wage.