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Peace Shield 2024 Military Exercises Start In Moldova

17.06.2024 19:27

Moldovan Defense Ministry says goal of military drill is to assess training of peacekeeping battalion.

Moldova on Monday announced the beginning of the Peace Shield 2024 multinational exercise, which will last till June 28.

"The purpose of the exercise is to assess the training of the 22nd Blue Helmets peacekeeping battalion by the Concept of Operational Capabilities (COC)," said a Defense Ministry statement from the eastern European country, which borders Ukraine.

National and international experts will assess the servicemen in patrolling, convoying, vehicle inspection at checkpoints, security of strategic sites, and medical evacuation.

During the exercises, several transfers of military equipment will be made from places of permanent deployment along national roads to the national army training center.

The ministry asked the public to refrain from sharing videon of the movement of military equipment on social networks.

"The Concept of Operational Capabilities certificate "is a prerequisite for the participation of the National Army in peacekeeping missions under the auspices of the United Nations, including KFOR in Kosovo and UNIFIL in Lebanon," the ministry said.

In 2023, Moldova held seven military exercises, including with the participation of NATO countries, although according to the country's Constitution, the country has a neutral status.

Some of the exercises were carried out on the separation line with the breakaway region of Transnistria, which is guarded by Russian peacekeepers, a move Moscow called "provocative."

Since the start of the Ukraine war in February 2022, there have been rumors that its neighbor Moldova could be targeted by Russia next. -

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