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Striking backstage information about Mansur Yavaş: If he is not the candidate of the CHP, he may gather signatures.

Striking backstage information about Mansur Yavaş: If he is not the candidate of the CHP, he may gather signatures.

20.09.2024 22:00

Discussions about candidates have begun in the Republican People's Party (CHP), which has intensified its rhetoric on early elections. It has been claimed that Mansur Yavaş, the Mayor of Ankara, who has been rumored to be leaving the CHP for some time, wants to be a presidential candidate. If he is unable to do so, it is alleged that he will eventually run as a candidate by gathering signatures or as a joint candidate of various parties.


A striking backstage information has emerged regarding the main opposition party CHP, which repeatedly says, 'We want early elections.' It is claimed that Mansur Yavaş, the Mayor of Ankara from CHP, who has been rumored to leave his party for a while, wants to be a presidential candidate in the upcoming elections, and if that does not happen, he has different plans.

Journalist İsmail Saymaz, who reports on the latest backstage developments in CHP, spoke about the claim that Mansur Yavaş would leave CHP. Saymaz stated that Mansur Yavaş wants to be the presidential candidate of CHP, and that this is his most natural right. Saymaz continued his statements as follows:


Mansur Bey has actually internalized his identity as a member of CHP. It took some time, but he has adopted the CHP identity and wants to be the presidential candidate of CHP. This is his most natural right. And it must be accepted that he is a very strong candidate. I had made a comparison before. Davutoğlu once said that if I say 'peace be upon you', Anatolia would rise. He couldn't do that, but Mansur Yavaş can. If he says 'peace be upon you', he can raise Anatolia. He has such a quality. Like every politician, he has his circle. Various members of parliament, former members of parliament, and these are mostly composed of MHP or İyi Party figures. They have their opinions too. I can convey this because I have spoken with his close circle.


They express that Mansur Yavaş's priority is to be the presidential candidate of CHP. If this does not happen, which they are pessimistic about, they think that CHP will prefer Ekrem İmamoğlu. In this case, they also state that Mansur Yavaş could eventually become a presidential candidate by collecting signatures or as a joint candidate of various parties. In fact, the view that Mansur Bey is currently complaining about is also the approach of his circle, and I mean it is something they have also articulated.


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