In 2007, the cast of "Arka Sıradakiler," a show loved by young people, came together after many years. The show's Yadigar, Temmuz Karikutal, Oktay, Bülent Çetinaslan, Özge, Sevda Dalgıç, Rıza, Engin Yavaş, and Gamze, Sinem Öztürk, shared a photo of their reunion 12 years later on their social media accounts with their followers. Sinem Öztürk shared a photo with the note "With my favorites," and Temmuz Karikutal posted it with the message "Which one of us has changed the most?" Here are some snapshots from the reunion: VIEWERS COULDN'T RECOGNIZE THEMThe show's Özge, Sevda Dalgıç, first changed her hair color and then underwent a series of aesthetic operations. The actress, who opened a fitness studio, got married to Dilge Emir Güvenç in 2022. Sevda Dalgıç has been away from the screens for a long time. ONE OF THE MOST-WATCHED SERIES OF THE ERAStarting in 2007 and directed by Hamdi Alkan, "Arka Sıradakiler" addressed the lives and issues of high school students from different segments of society. The series stood out with its sincere story and successful performances. Among the main characters were unforgettable names like Oktay, Gamze, İbo, and Saffet. The series also secured its place among the most-watched shows of the era.