Samet Aybaba, who was dismissed from his position as the General Coordinator of Football Teams in Beşiktaş, has decided to make a statement. The details of Aybaba's upcoming statement have been revealed. ON SATURDAY AT 1:00 PMAfter the management's decision, Aybaba stated, "We are Beşiktaş fans. We are always by our club's side. On Saturday, I will reveal all the truths with the documents I have." The press conference will be held on November 30, Saturday, at 1:00 PM at the Conrad Hotel in Beşiktaş. TOPICS OF THE MEETINGIt is expected that Samet Aybaba, the former general coordinator of Beşiktaş's football teams, will make a statement regarding his departure process and the events that occurred. The topics of the experienced football figure's press conference will be as follows; - Which transfers did he want?
- Statements about the authorized managers in transfers
- The financial aspects of the transfers
- His own experience during the process
"NO ONE HAD LOOKED AT US FOR 2-3 MONTHS"Journalist Ali Aydın had revealed his conversation with Samet Aybaba after the club parted ways. Regarding the separation decision, Aybaba said, "We are Beşiktaş fans. We are always by our club's side. On Saturday, I will reveal all the truths with the documents I have. In fact, no one had looked at us for 2-3 months." "I LEARNED IT FROM WHATSAPP"On the other hand, speaking to Övünç Özdem, Samet Aybaba stated, "I learned that I was dismissed through a WhatsApp message that came to my phone. For the last 4 months, our dialogue with Hasan Arat had completely broken off. Since we couldn't talk to him, I conveyed everything happening in the club by writing letters. I will hold a press conference on Saturday. I will answer all questions and explain what has happened in Beşiktaş over the last year."