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The driver's statement regarding the death of the former national basketball player has emerged.

The driver's statement regarding the death of the former national basketball player has emerged.

10.09.2024 13:40

The statement of Emre Ali Önder, who caused the death of former national basketball player İlkan Karaman by hitting him in Muğla, has emerged. Önder, who was arrested, said in his statement, "I was drunk at the time of the accident. I am sorry for what happened."

The statement of Emre Ali Önder, who caused the death of former national basketball player İlkan Karaman by hitting him with his car while trying to cross the road in Datça district of Muğla, has emerged. Önder, who was arrested, said in his statement, "I was drunk at the time of the accident. I am sorry for what happened."

Former National Basketball Player İlkan Karaman Hit by Car, Driver Arrested

İlkan Karaman, who lives in Izmir and has played for many teams in the Basketball Super League and also played for the national team, rented a house in Datça district of Muğla. Karaman moved his belongings to Datça. On the day before yesterday, at around 02:30, Karaman, who wanted to cross the road in front of a gas station, was hit by a car with license plate number 48 AIJ 713 driven by civil engineer Emre Ali Önder. Karaman, who was injured in the accident, could not be saved at Marmaris State Hospital where he was taken. Önder, who left the car and fled after the accident, was caught in front of Datça State Hospital 2 hours later. It was determined that Emre Ali Önder had a blood alcohol level of 1.16 during the examination, and he was arrested after the procedures at the police station.


Önder's statement in the prosecutor's office has emerged. Önder stated in his statement that he drank 2 beers with a high alcohol content at his home and said, "Then I went out to take my mother's sleeping pill. When I came to the intersection in Reşadiye Neighborhood with the car, I pressed the brake because I was going to pass the lights. As soon as I pressed the brake, the car started to slide. That's why I hit the median and lost control of the steering wheel and crossed to the opposite lane. At that moment, I learned that an unknown person who was at the scene as a pedestrian died. After the accident, citizens came to the scene and took care of us. I went to Datça State Hospital because I was injured. My intention was not to escape from the scene. While I was at the hospital, the police came and caught me. I was drunk at the time of the accident. I am sorry for what happened."

Former National Basketball Player İlkan Karaman Hit by Car, Driver Arrested
Former National Basketball Player İlkan Karaman Hit by Car, Driver Arrested

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