Harran University announced that an investigation committee has been established regarding allegations that female graduate students have been subjected to sexual abuse and forced into prostitution. ALLEGATION OF A SYSTEMATIC SLANDER CAMPAIGNIn a written statement from the university, it was noted that a systematic slander campaign has been initiated based on unfounded and misleading claims about the university in some media outlets and social media accounts. INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE ESTABLISHEDThe statement recorded the following: "It is understood that the source of the allegations is based on mutual accusations related to the private lives of personnel who are in the process of divorce. Nevertheless, after the allegations were reported to our rectorate, an investigation committee was established without delay to investigate the claims, and the matter has been handled with sensitivity. "WE REQUEST THAT RUMORS NOT BE CREDENTIALED"Currently, the investigation is ongoing, and due to the confidentiality of the investigation, no information is being shared with the public. However, necessary information regarding the parts of the allegations that concern our university will be shared with the public at the conclusion of the investigation. We strongly request that rumors outside of the institutional statements from our university not be given credence. Furthermore, legal rights will be exercised against media outlets and social media accounts that participate in this slander campaign and target our institutional structure with false news, and a criminal complaint will be filed with the public prosecutor's office."