A snow mass fell on Kahraman Kaya (40), a tire repairman in the Tortum district of Erzurum, from the roof of his workplace. The incident was captured by security cameras, and Kaya said, "I escaped the accident with minor scratches. My request to everyone is not to walk under the eaves and to be careful." THE MOMENTS WERE CAPTURED BY THE WORKPLACE'S SECURITY CAMERAThe incident occurred in the Yavuz Sultan Selim neighborhood of Tortum district. Kahraman Kaya, who works as a tire repairman, started to repair the tire of a tractor belonging to the Tortum Municipality. As Kaya returned from the two-story shop with materials to the side of the tractor, a snow mass fell on him from the roof. Fortunately, Kaya escaped the accident with minor scratches, and those moments were captured by the security camera of the workplace. "THANK GOD I ESCAPED THE ACCIDENT WITH MINOR SCRATCHES"Kahraman Kaya, who warns about the danger of snow falling from roofs during the winter months, said, "I was repairing the tire of a tractor belonging to the municipality. I fell to the ground when a snow mass fell on me from the roof while I was returning from the shop with materials to the side of the tractor and I was dazed. I looked around to understand what happened and realized that snow had fallen from the roof. Thank God I escaped the accident with minor scratches. My request to everyone is not to walk under the eaves and to be careful. There could have been major disasters right now. Thank God we are safe, there is no problem."