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Turkish Consumer Sentiment Down In June

20.06.2024 10:42

Consumer confidence index falls 2.7% in June from 1 month ago, official data shows.

Türkiye's consumer confidence index decreased 2.7% month-on-month to 78.3 in June, according to data released on Thursday.

June's index hit its lowest level this year, data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) showed.

A sub-index for the financial situation expectations of households over the next 12 months shed 4.4% compared to May, while another indicator for expectations concerning the general economic situation over the same period declined 2.8%.

Assessments for the present financial situation of the household decreased 2.2% and those on spending for durable goods over the next 12 months dropped 1.6% in the same period.

The consumer confidence index is a vital gauge of the economy's overall performance, indicating public sentiments on financial standing and the general economic situation, along with spending and saving tendencies. -

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