23.02.2025 16:00
President Erdoğan was elected as the party leader for the 9th time by receiving all 1547 votes at the 8th Ordinary Congress of the AK Party. In the newly announced list, 36 names retained their positions in the AK Party's Central Decision and Executive Board (MKYK), while 39 new names joined the party management.
The 8th Ordinary Grand Congress of the AK Party took place at the Ankara Sports Hall with the participation of tens of thousands of people from all over Turkey.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was re-elected as the Chairman by receiving all of the valid 1547 votes, gave a thank-you speech to the delegates. Erdoğan stated, "We have successfully completed our 8th Ordinary Grand Congress. I thank each of you for deeming me worthy of being the Chairman once again."
52% OF THE MKYK HAS BEEN RENEWED At the congress, new members of the Central Decision and Administration Board (MKYK), Central Disciplinary Board, Political Virtue and Ethics Board, and the Central Party Internal Democracy Arbitration Board were determined. With the constitutional amendment, while 36 names retained their positions in the MKYK, 39 names were not included in the new party administration. Thus, 52% of the MKYK has been renewed.
The main members of the new list are as follows: "Abdulkadir Develi, Abdurrahman Akyüz, Ahmet Baha Öğütken, Ahmet Bilal Kıymaz, Ahmet Büyükgümüş, Ahmet Mücahit Arınç, Ali İhsan Yavuz, Ayşe Keşir, Aziz Babuşcu, Belgin Uygur, Cengiz Tokmak, Cihad Terzioğlu, Çiğdem Karaaslan, Derya Ayaydın, Dursun Ataş, Efkan Ala, Erkan Güral, Erkan Kandemir, Eyyüp Kadir İnan, Fahrettin Yahşi, Fatih Sadullah Selman, Fatih Şahin, Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, Fadime Zehra Şener, Gökhan Diktaş, Halit Yerebakan, Hamza Dağ, Hasan Basri Yalçın, Hayati Yazıcı, Haydar Ali Yıldız, Hilal Kalyoncu Koç, Hilmi Türkmen, Hülya Terzioğlu, Hüseyin Yayman, İdris Nebi Hatipoğlu, İsmet Gergerli, Kürşad Zorlu, Mahir Ünal, Mehmet Kırmızı, Mehmet Umut Tuncer, Melek Duman, Menderes Mehmet Tevfik Türel, Mesut Özil, Muhammed Faruk Acar, Mustafa Demir, Mustafa Elitaş, Mustafa Hulki Cevizoğlu, Mustafa Nedim Yamalı, Mustafa Özkan, Mustafa Şen, Naim Makas, Nihat Zeybekci, Nihal Ayan, Osman Gökçek, Ömer Çelik, Ömer Faruk Besli, Ömer İleri, Ömer Serdar, Önder Matlı, Sadettin Hülagü, Selçuk Sümer, Serap Yazıcı Özbudun, Serpil Kavrak, Sevan Sıvacıoğlu, Sevilay Tuncer, Seyithan İzsiz, Temel Başalan, Türk İslam Karakoç, Umut Arman Sonay, Ünal Karaman, Veli Arslan, Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz, Zafer Sırakaya, Zakir Avşar, and Ziya Serdar Kılıç."
The substitute members of the MKYK are as follows: "Arzu Silin Günaydın, Ayşe Nur Nacar, Barış Özerol, Burhan Çakır, Şevki Şar, Mücahit Yanılmaz, Fatime Yurduseven, Muhammed Emin Saraç, Cansın Yılmaz Yaşar, Emre Cemil Ayvalı, Davut Coşkun Şiviloğlu, Büşra Ergenç, Ceren Tuncer, Fehmi Küpçü, Jülide İskenderoğlu, Ensar Topçu, Serpil Yılmaz, Mahmut Eminmollaoğlu, Funda Ozan Akyol, Harun Armağan, Harun Çelik, İsmail Kaya, Kasım Bostan, Mehmet Ali Kurt, Mehmet Ali Okur, Mehmet Karabay, Mehmet Umur, Muhammed Ali Uçar, Murat Çiçek, Mustafa Hasgül, Mürsel Çavdar, Cemal Bekle, Ömer Arvas, Sevde Sena Dağlı Akdemir, Şebnem Koçakelçi Elgörmüş."
After his thank-you speech, Erdoğan took a commemorative photo with the members of the board. The main members of the Central Disciplinary Board are Abbas Aydın, Ayşe Deniz Çelik, Büşra Koyuncu, Cemal Sarıhan, Mehmet Sarı, Melek Çiçek, Mir Sedrettin Karahan, Muaz Ergezen, Muhammed Ali Yılmaz, Ömer Faruk Sevgili, Salih Çetinkaya, Saliha Dönmez, Sena İpşirli, Zahir Soğanda, and Zeynep Gül Yılmaz.
The main members of the Central Party Internal Democracy Arbitration Board were determined as Ahmet Gül, Hüseyin Bürge, and Suat Pamukçu.
The main members of the Political Virtue and Ethics Board consist of Hüseyin Özbakır, İffet Polat, Serap Yaşar, İsmail Cenk Dilberoğlu, and Sabahattin Karakelle.
39 NEW NAMES IN THE MKYK LIST At the 8th Ordinary Grand Congress of the AK Party held today, 39 members from the current MKYK were not included in the list.
The new names entering the MKYK are as follows:
"Abdulkadir Develi, Abdurrahman Akyüz, Ahmet Baha Öğütken, Ayşe Keşir, Cengiz Tokmak, Cihad Terzioğlu, Derya Ayaydın, Dursun Ataş, Eyyüp Kadir İnan, Fatih Sadullah Selman, Fadime Zehra Şener, Gökhan Diktaş, Halit Yerebakan, Haydar Ali Yıldız, Hilal Kalyoncu Koç, Hilmi Türkmen, Hüseyin Yayman, İdris Nebi Hatipoğlu, İsmet Gergerli, Kürşad Zorlu, Mehmet Kırmızı, Melek Duman, Mesut Özil, Muhammed Faruk Acar, Mustafa Demir, Mustafa Hulki Cevizoğlu, Mustafa Nedim Yamalı, Mustafa Özkan, Naim Makas, Nihal Ayan, Osman Gökçek, Sadettin Hülagü, Selçuk Sümer, Serap Yazıcı Özbudun, Seyithan İzsiz, Temel Başalan, Ünal Karaman, Veli Arslan, Zakir Avşar."
The 36 names that retained their positions in the MKYK are as follows:
"Ahmet Bilal Kıymaz, Ahmet Büyükgümüş, Ahmet Mücahit Arınç, Ali İhsan Yavuz, Aziz Babuşcu, Belgin Uygur, Çiğdem Karaaslan, Efkan Ala, Erkan Güral, Erkan Kandemir, Fahrettin Yahşi, Fatih Şahin, Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya, Hamza Dağ, Hasan Basri Yalçın, Hayati Yazıcı, Hülya Terzioğlu, Mahir Ünal, Mehmet Umut Tuncer, Menderes Mehmet Tevfik Türel, Mustafa Elitaş, Mustafa Şen, Nihat Zeybekci, Ömer Çelik, Ömer Faruk Besli, Ömer İleri, Ömer Serdar, Önder Matlı, Serpil Kavrak, Sevan Sıvacıoğlu, Sevilay Tuncer, Türk İslam Karakoç, Umut Arman Sonay, Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz, Zafer Sırakaya, and Ziya Serdar Kılıç."
kez genel başkan! İşte AK Parti'nin kesinleşen yeni MKYK listesi" alt="Erdoğan 9th time chairman! Here is the finalized new MKYK list of the AK Party" width="640" height="426">
After resigning from the İYİ Party, the members of parliament who joined the AK Party, Kürşad Zorlu, Ünal Karaman, Dursun Ataş, İdris Nebi Hatipoğlu, and Seyithan İzsiz, along with Mustafa Nedim Yamalı and Serap Yazıcı Özbudun, who resigned from the Future Party, also became new members of the AK Party MKYK.
Former Beyoğlu Mayor Haydar Ali Yıldız and former Üsküdar Mayor Hilmi Türkmen also took part in the MKYK.
Additionally, Abdurrahman Akyüz, Vice President of the Turkish Wushu Kung Fu Federation, communication professor Zakir Avşar, and former footballer Mesut Özil also found a place in the MKYK.