AK Party Deputy Chairman Nihat Zeybekci said, "The minimum wage was 100 dollars in 2003, and today it has risen to 660 dollars. Is it sufficient? It is not sufficient, to be honest. It should be more. It should be higher, it should be 1000 dollars, 1200 dollars. The country should develop, the country should progress." ATTENTION-GRABBING "MINIMUM WAGE" MESSAGE FROM ZEYBEKCİ OF THE AK PARTYThe 8th Ordinary Congress of the AK Party was held at the Neşet Ertaş Culture and Art Center in Kırşehir. Speaking at the congress, AK Party Deputy Chairman Nihat Zeybekci gave attention-grabbing messages regarding the minimum wage. "NOT SUFFICIENT, SHOULD BE MORE"Zeybekci stated: "Do you know how prosperity increases? It increases by increasing production and goods. Because if you increase money without increasing the products that people will buy and without mobilizing production, you only increase prices. Unfortunately, this is the disease of impotent politics. The actions taken now are absolutely correct. Is it sufficient? It is not sufficient. The minimum wage was 100 dollars in 2003, and today it has risen to 660 dollars. Is it sufficient? It is not sufficient, to be honest. It should be more. It should be higher, it should be 1000 dollars, 1200 dollars. The country should develop, the country should progress. Therefore, as AK Party members, never bow your heads." "WE HAVE ALMOST DONE ALL THE STONES ON TOP OF THE STONE"Stating that the AK Party and the People's Alliance have made significant contributions to the country, Zeybekci said: "Just look at these highways, hospitals, and schools, for God's sake. Who did these? The AK Party did, the People's Alliance did. Therefore, there is only one political party that stands tall and proud in every village, district, street, industrial site, and neighborhood in all 81 cities of Turkey, and that is the AK Party and its members, the People's Alliance, MHP members, and BBP members. We did it, friends, we have done almost all the stones you see on top of the stone in this country."