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Father and son stand before the judge in the murder of motorcycle courier Ata Emre Akman.

Father and son stand before the judge in the murder of motorcycle courier Ata Emre Akman.

28.06.2024 17:41

The trial of E.Ö. and his father, who stabbed university student Ata Emre Akman, who works as a motorcycle courier in Balıkesir, continues. E.Ö., who claimed that he went to Sultan's house, the former religiously married wife of his father, to throw stones, stated that he was very drunk and said, "I swung the knife at the victim 25 times. Even though I swung it 25 times, I don't remember what drove me to do it that day." E.Ö.'s father, on the other hand, claimed that he learned about the incident from the police and defended that the accusation of being the instigator was a false accusation.

In the murder of university student Ata Emre Akman, who was stabbed to death while working as a courier in Balıkesir, the trial of 17-year-old E.Ö. and his father, who is accused of inciting him, continues. E.Ö., who said he was very drunk on the day of the incident, claimed that he went to Sultan's house, the former religiously married wife of his father, to throw stones. E.Ö. used the expression "I swung the knife 25 times at the victim. Even though I swung it 25 times, I don't remember what prompted me to do that." E.Ö., who denies the accusation of being an instigator, said that he learned about the murder from the police.


The trial of Ata Emre Akman, who was killed while working as a courier in Balıkesir, continues. The statements of the suspects were taken in the case known as the "courier murder". E.Ö., who committed the murder, described the day of the incident.

Father and son in motorcycle courier murder face the judge! Here are their first statements

E.Ö., who gave his first statement from prison via SEGBIS in front of the court, said that he did not plan to kill Ata Emre Akman. E.Ö. said that he went to the scene to throw stones at Sultan's house, who was his father's former religiously married wife.


E.Ö. used the following statements: "I did not plan to kill anyone. I only went to throw stones at Sultan D.'s house. We are three siblings. Sultan D.'s daughter was sending messages to my father. She was constantly bothering us. She wanted to meet us. Sultan stole from us in 2012-2013. She was constantly threatening us, there was a disagreement between my father and Sultan. We were running away from them. There was no disagreement between us and Sultan before 2020. There were disagreements between us and the person Sultan was living with.

Father and son in motorcycle courier murder face the judge! Here are their first statements
Ata Emre Akman


There was no special conversation between me and Sultan. On the day of the incident, I drank 13-14 beers. I spent time with my father. Then I went to my friends. Then we went home. It took 5-6 minutes between Sultan's house and our house. We didn't talk about Sultan on the day of the incident. My father passed out. I also thought about what Sultan had put us through since childhood. I got angry. I took my knife with me, but my intention was to throw stones at her house. I picked up a stone from the road on the way. I arrived at the building where Sultan lived.


I saw the young motorcycle courier. I wanted to ask him if Sultan was there. When I said, 'Did you come for Sultan D.' he said, 'I came for Ebru Gündeş.' I said to him, 'Why are you arguing with me?' There was a struggle. I swung the knife once. I don't remember what happened after that. I swung the knife 25 times at the victim. Even though I swung it 25 times, I don't remember what prompted me to do that. There was no filling from my father about Sultan before the incident. There was no direction from my father."

Father and son in motorcycle courier murder face the judge! Here are their first statements


E.Ö.'s father, Orhan Ö., said the following in his statement during the trial: "It was not my son, but me who had a long phone conversation with Sultan. I talked to Sultan's daughter. She asked for my help. Sultan was obsessed with me. We had a relationship between 2010-2013. Then she left and got married to one of my friends. On the day of the incident, we came home with my son. I went straight to bed. I fell asleep. I told my son to change and sleep. I learned about the incident when the police came to my bed. I met my son at the police station. I asked him what he wanted from people. He said, 'I didn't do it, dad.' I said to him, 'You burned me and yourself.' The accusations against me are false."

Father and son in motorcycle courier murder face the judge! Here are their first statements


Sultan, the woman who witnessed the murder in front of her house, said that she had a relationship with Orhan Ö. in the past. Sultan, who denied the accusations made against her by Orhan Ö., said that she was constantly threatened. Sultan said, "I heard the noise on the day of the incident. I ran downstairs. I checked Ata's pulse. He wasn't breathing. Last year, E.Ö. threw stones at my door. After E.Ö., his father Orhan attacked me. Orhan constantly threatened and insulted me. A few days before this incident, E.Ö. called me from his phone. He said, 'I will kill you.' He also had my parents' house shot."

Father and son in motorcycle courier murder face the judge! Here are their first statements

Ibrahim Erenci, the voluntary lawyer of Ata Emre Akman's family, made a statement during the break in the trial. Lawyer Erenci said, "The statements of the 17-year-old murderer and his father, whom we believe to have incited him, were taken. In my opinion, the statements are extremely inconsistent and consist of statements that have no legal value. There are key witnesses who are being heard now. Today, of course, it is up to the discretion of the court, but I expect a final opinion to be given. After the final opinion, we can make a serious legal statement. There is a lot to be said about the incident. As lawyers, we are in a case where it is very difficult to make a statement without being influenced by our emotions. We are very sorry, may the whole of Turkey, especially the family, rest in peace."

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