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Greece, confused the border crossing! The police had to resort to shooting in the end.

Greece, confused the border crossing! The police had to resort to shooting in the end.

10.09.2024 22:20

At the Edirne Ipsala Border Gate, a Greek car driver hit a motorcyclist and then tried to cross into Turkey by crashing into the barriers in the customs area. After also hitting a truck, the driver was shot and stopped while trying to attack the police with a knife. An investigation is ongoing regarding the incident.

The driver of a Greek car, in the area where the Edirne Ipsala Border Gate and the Greek Customs Gate are located, hit a Turkish motorcyclist and then tried to cross into Turkey by crashing into the barriers at full speed in the customs area. After hitting a truck and finally stopping, the driver, who tried to attack the police with a knife, was shot in the leg with a gun and stopped.


A Greek car driver who wanted to enter the country from Greece through the Edirne Ipsala Border Gate caused terror. While speeding towards the Turkish border gate, he first hit a Turkish motorcyclist on the side of the road, and then entered the customs from the opposite direction by crashing into the barriers. While trying to pass by the foreign-plated truck located in front of the X-ray entrance of the truck registration platform by entering the border gate from the opposite direction, he hit the truck and the barriers and managed to stop.

Greek driver wreaks havoc at the border! Police had to shoot in the end


The suspect driver tried to attack the police officers with a knife after the incident. The suspect, who continued to walk towards the police officers while they fired shots into the air, was shot in the right leg and rendered ineffective. The police detained the injured Greek driver. An investigation is ongoing regarding the incident.

Greek driver wreaks havoc at the border! Police had to shoot in the end


In a statement made by the Edirne Governorship after the incident, it was stated that "The driver in question got out of the vehicle and walked towards our police officers with a cutting tool in his hand. After two warning shots were fired into the air by the police officers, the person was rendered ineffective by shooting at his right leg when he did not comply with the stop warning. The detained Greek citizen has been referred to the hospital for health checks and is not in critical condition. There is no negative situation regarding the health condition of the injured citizen, but he has been sent to the hospital as a precautionary measure. We wish him a speedy recovery. The incident has been officially reported to the counterparts in Greece through the Joint Contact Center, and the Consul General of Greece in Edirne has also been invited to our Governorship and informed in detail. Necessary legal and administrative investigations have been initiated regarding the incident, and the developments are being closely monitored."

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