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MHP leader Bahçeli: If UEFA does not change its decision, A National Team should not play against the Netherlands.

MHP leader Bahçeli: If UEFA does not change its decision, A National Team should not play against the Netherlands.

05.07.2024 17:30

UEFA has announced that it has given a 2-match ban to national football player Merih Demiral for making the Grey Wolves sign during the Austria match. MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli also expressed his reaction to UEFA's scandalous decision on his social media account. Bahçeli said, "If UEFA does not give up its careless decision, leaving the Netherlands alone on the field and the return of our National Football Team to Turkey will be the most suitable option for our national dignity."

The UEFA Disciplinary Committee has given a 2-match ban to national football player Merih Demiral, who made the wolf sign after scoring a goal in the Austria - Turkey match. MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli reacted to UEFA's decision, stating, "The wolf symbol is the existential honor of Turkishness, the common value that brings together the past and the future. Indeed, showing intolerance to this value is a disgusting manifestation of the irreparable hostility towards the Turkish nation and the disgraceful smearing of Turkish history." Bahçeli also called for "if UEFA does not withdraw its ridiculous decision, leaving the Netherlands alone on the field and the return of our National Football Team to Turkey will be the most suitable option for our national dignity."

Here is Devlet Bahçeli's reaction to UEFA's 2-match ban on Merih Demiral:


The two-match ban imposed by UEFA on our National Football Player Merih Demiral, who shared the wolf sign with justified pride and joy after scoring a goal in the Turkey-Austria football match, is an unbearable scandalous decision, especially with the closure of the appeal process.

At the same time, the infiltration of racist and fascist tendencies into UEFA is a shameful primitiveness.


The wolf symbol is the existential honor of Turkishness, a common value that brings together the past and the future. Indeed, showing intolerance to this value is a disgusting manifestation of the irreparable hostility towards the Turkish nation and the disgraceful smearing of Turkish history.

While UEFA has shown a broad-minded and tolerant approach in similar decisions regarding football players from other countries, it could not hide its hatred when it came to a Turkish football player.

A black mark has been put on world football, casting a shadow over the 2024 European Championship.

However, the crazy Turks are determined and have faith to overcome any obstacle. The Turkish National Football Team is standing tall with the prayers, support, and cheers of 85 million Turkish citizens behind them.


At this stage, UEFA, which blatantly disrespects the historical heritage of the Turkish nation, not participating in the Netherlands match by our National Football Team and showing its democratic protest, which is a right, in this way, is a moral and national expectation.

If UEFA does not withdraw its ridiculous decision, leaving the Netherlands alone on the field and the return of our National Football Team to Turkey will be the most suitable option for our national dignity.

Winning by surrendering, giving concessions, and submitting is the camouflage of defeat and humiliation in every sense.

We are fully behind our son Merih and all our national football players.

We are one, together, we are Turkey, we are the Turkish nation.

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