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The footage that angered RTÜK President Şahin: A complete disgrace.

The footage that angered RTÜK President Şahin: A complete disgrace.

22.09.2024 13:40

The President of the Radio and Television Supreme Council, Ebubekir Şahin, reacted to broadcasts made on YouTube. He strongly criticized the footage showing model Didem Soydan drinking alcohol from her shoe, stating, "This is an absolute disgrace. This is not just a matter of government and opposition. It targets the moral foundations of society. We must uphold our beliefs, social, and cultural values."


RTÜK President Ebubekir Şahin stated in a written statement that they have taken measures regarding violent productions, saying, "RTÜK is extremely sensitive to scenes that could increase social tension in series. We make decisions to ensure that content that could negatively affect the mental and physical development of our children and young people is not present in the series. We are against all forms of violence on screens. As part of the fight against violence against women, we have made principle decisions with the support of all our members in the Upper Board. These decisions are being implemented. In the new broadcasting period, we will monitor more strictly. Our monitoring experts prepare the necessary reports against scenes that encourage violence, normalize it, and create a perception as if it is normal, and present them to the Upper Board. In our Upper Board meetings, we impose strict sanctions against violent content. We will continue our fight against violence in the upcoming period without loosening the penalties we impose at the upper limit. There is no compromise. No broadcaster can normalize violence for the sake of ratings," he stated.


Şahin also commented on social media broadcasts, saying, "In developed, democratic countries, no area can be irregular and uncontrolled. The broadcasting field cannot be either. Especially, broadcasting done over the internet and social media should also be regulated. It cannot be an environment where anyone who grabs a microphone thinks they are a journalist or reporter. This is an insult to our journalist friends who do their job properly. Look, I made a statement regarding street interviews. Then the incident in İzmir occurred. Even if they associate it with us, that incident is an action outside of RTÜK. It just happened to coincide. But whoever insults the nation would have been detained anyway. They thought that RTÜK could not tolerate dissenting voices. It has nothing to do with it. We are not only talking about political or ideological content. We are witnessing broadcasts that direct immoral, nonsensical questions to citizens under the guise of street interviews, where people are humiliated for their answers, and gender discrimination is directed at our women," he said.


RTÜK President Şahin noted that there are violent content broadcasts on YouTube, stating, "It is essential to fight against these. There is also an ethical dimension to the issue. Some YouTube broadcasters, I apologize for saying this, can host sex workers on their broadcasts, engaging in indecent conversations while dressed in semi-nude clothing. YouTube is a platform predominantly used by children. People dressed in a way that we would almost see their underwear are being broadcasted on YouTube, and in another example, someone is drinking from a woman's shoe. A thousand times more shameful. The issue is not just about the government or the opposition. It targets the moral foundations of society. We must protect our beliefs, social, and cultural values. It is essential to preserve the institution of family. Just as traditional broadcasting is subject to a certain order and control, broadcasts made over the internet and social media must also be subject to regulation," he evaluated.

The image that angered RTÜK President Şahin: The moral foundations of society are being targeted
RTÜK President Ebubekir Şahin.


Regarding the murder of Narin Güran in Diyarbakır, Şahin stated, "Our media disappointed us in the brutal murder of our daughter Narin. They neither adhered to the publication ban imposed by the court nor considered the principle of confidentiality of the investigation or prosecution. Our media, which tried to gain ratings from the murder of a little girl, disappointed me. As the head of the authority that regulates and supervises radio and television broadcasts, I must express my deep sadness. Responsible broadcasting, respecting sensitivities, and honoring privacy is not that difficult, but our media amateurishly brought this event to the screens without observing any rules or principles, causing distress to consciences. This issue was discussed in detail from morning until night. The murder of a tiny child should not have been presented so recklessly during the hours when children are in front of the screens. The incident itself is a tragedy. The way it was reflected in the media is also a great tragedy. There should not have been broadcasts that negatively affect everyone's psychology. The general family and kinship relations were damaged through the family in question. Trauma was created in the viewers," he said.


Şahin emphasized that they will first bring rule-breaking broadcasters to the agenda of the Upper Board, stating, "We will evaluate the violations of broadcasting principles they have committed in the Board. We will not stop there. Afterwards, we will implement a scientific study regarding the way violent news is presented during the hours when children are in front of the screens. We have no tolerance for media that broadcasts irresponsibly, unconsciously, and without conscience. We will bring together academics, NGO representatives, and experts. There will be a standard for reporting violent content. We are working on it," he stated.


RTÜK President Şahin also commented on daytime programs, saying, "The balance has gone too far. Our constructive warnings have been ignored. The meetings we held with senior executives of channels broadcasting daytime programs in Istanbul many times, and most recently in Ankara, did not yield results in terms of improvement. The new broadcasting period has begun. We are now moving to the final stage. Without paying attention to the criticisms of a prohibitive RTÜK, we have determined strict principle decisions regarding these programs. We will soon present them to the Upper Board and implement them. We will take the necessary steps in the most decisive way for our last measure, the principle decisions for low-quality daytime broadcasts that do not serve their purpose," he evaluated.


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