The speech of Necip Hablemitoğlu, made just 4 days before his assassination, has emerged.

The speech of Necip Hablemitoğlu, made just 4 days before his assassination, has emerged.

17.12.2024 21:41

The speech delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Necip Hablemitoğlu, a faculty member of Ankara University, in Eskişehir four days before he was assassinated has emerged, and it has been included in the case file 22 years later.

While the trial regarding the murder of Ankara University faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Necip Hablemitoğlu, who was killed on December 18, 2002, is ongoing, his speech at the conference held at the Atatürkist Thought Association Eskişehir Branch just four days before his death was included in the case file last June.

In his speech, Hablemitoğlu explained how the United States and Western countries use many fundamentalist structures in various countries around the world through sects, including the Fethullah Gülen sect.


In his speech, where he criticized the imperialist approaches of Western states, especially the United States, Hablemitoğlu summarized his statements as follows: "All these sects, these sects centered around the United States, are under the protection of U.S. embassies all over the world. They are practically running rampant. And Turkey is also taking its share from this. They do not only support our own sects. They send their sects to Turkey and all countries of the world in this sense. Look, the Chinese government has banned the sect. And they executed those who could not save their lives among the leadership of the Falun Gong sect. The leader of the sect is currently in Philadelphia. In contrast, you see the Moon Sect, which is similarly designated for the whole world, with its leader again in the same place. Fethullahism is designated for Turkey. Fethullah Gülen is again in the same place.

Necip Hablemitoğlu's speech just four days before his murder has emerged


You will remember that when peace volunteers began to come to Turkey in 1946, more than 10,000 peace volunteers were turning Turkey into a whirlwind. And they particularly describe one group as the most suitable group for the green belt theory. This is the Nurcu group. You will also remember that this theory aims to strengthen sectarianism instead of nation-states in all Islamic countries, including Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq, by strengthening religious structures against atheism and communism. Said Nursi is chosen as Turkey's collaborator. And as you know, Said Nursi serves the Americans to the end. They take approximately 6,000 people, 6,000 Nur students, from Turkey. And the first Nur community is established in America. When I look at the publication dates of the first Nur treatises in America, one is 1951 and the other is 1956. So from those dates, we see treatises translated into English in the United States.

There are 4,500 foundations and associations in Turkey related to these. There are approximately 1,704 total schools. Of these, 199 belong to Fethullah, and 29 belong to the Naqshbandis. Different Naqshbandi groups like Mahmud Esad Coşan and Musa Topbaş also have different schools, dormitories, newspapers, and magazines. In addition to these, unfortunately, many groups that officially support reactionary Islam, such as Jihad, Orientation, Darül Harp, Akabe, Unity, Salafi, and Hizb ut-Tahrir, continue their activities.


After his speech, when a question-and-answer session was held, Hablemitoğlu responded to the question, "Aren't you afraid to express your thoughts in a country where most of our intellectuals who research reaction are killed?" with the following statements: "I believe in fate, I also believe in God, I have no such hesitation. But there is one thing, none of our views can overlap exactly. But there is one single issue, which is the interests of our country, the survival of this state, and our full independence. I have tried this in my own family and I have succeeded. I am probably one of the people who receive the most threats and insults in Turkey. I am one of those who are most attacked and harassed, in a good sense. I asked my wife about this, and I had to pay compensation in two consecutive cases to Fethullah Gülen and a woman named Nevval Sevindi. My wife is an associate professor at the university. I asked her, I said, we have been married for 17 years, we have 2 children. But it is really very difficult to stay married to someone like me. I asked her, don't you feel uncomfortable? Because the poor thing checks the car every day before getting in. She said, well, look, we lost two separate cases worth 5.5 billion, we will have to take out a bank loan to pay. This also means a deduction from my children's and wife's alimony. My wife went to the phone, ordered dessert from the pastry shop. She came back and said, it doesn't matter, my daughters immediately brought their wallets and gave their savings. They said we won't go to McDonald's, but my wife's statement was very meaningful. 'Some husbands gamble, some are with other women, what's wrong with my husband spending his money on sheikhs?' Now, if we look at events with such lightness but show support and solidarity with faith, without fear, and see this as a very natural way of life, there really is no problem. Only a little bit of our hearts hurt. Your heart needs to hurt; you really don't understand without feeling pain.

Necip Hablemitoğlu's speech just four days before his murder has emerged


Twenty years after the assassination, the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office opened a case stating that the assassination was planned on behalf of the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization, with Fethullah Gülen, Mustafa Özcan, Enver Altaylı, Aydın Köstem, Levent Göktaş, Ahmet Tarkan Mumcuoğlu, and Fikret Emek among the defendants. In this case, in May 2022, it was decided to release all detained defendants and to identify the recording of the conference Hablemitoğlu gave four days before his death at the Atatürkist Thought Association Eskişehir Branch.

However, a year after this decision, the conference recordings were accessed, and during the examination of the recordings, it was determined that five individuals present at the conference bore a striking resemblance to the individuals identified as suspicious at the market where Hablemitoğlu shopped 15 minutes before the assassination.

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