Mauro Icardi recently received an unexpected blow from his wife Wanda Nara, with whom he has had a tumultuous relationship. Nara became the center of major criticism when she shared moments of her closeness with L-Gante, whose name had been involved in romance rumors months ago, during a live broadcast. "I'M SINGLE AND FREE"In a live broadcast she opened with L-Gante, where they were seen lip to lip, Wanda Nara stated in response to the backlash, "I’m single and I’m free to be with whoever I want. I am financially taking care of my children on my own. Unfortunately, I am also dealing with threats to rescue my pets that are held hostage because of the family photo. I will not stay in an unhappy relationship because of it." While all these events have been trending for days, a completely different claim emerged in the Argentine press. According to a report by the news site Informatesalta, an Argentine journalist named Matías Vázquez claimed that a friend of Icardi said, "Mauro's friend told me: He has his eyes on another woman in Turkey, Wanda is no longer in the picture." Vázquez continued, "He has known her for three years, celebrates the goals he scores. He already knows Francesca and Isabella. Icardi has completely fallen in love with this woman. Wanda knew this and what did she do? She ran away knowing that Simge would conquer the heart of the Argentine." UNEXPECTED MOVEAfter these developments, Icardi made another unexpected move. The Argentine star followed Simge Sağın on social media. The singer reciprocated this move by following the famous footballer back and liking his latest post.