At the Golden Globe Awards, which heralds the Oscars, Demi Moore was awarded the Best Actress award for her film The Substance. 27-year-old reality show star Kylie Jenner also experienced unfortunate moments with her actor boyfriend Timothée Chalamet at the ceremony they attended together. 62-year-old Moore approached the table where Jenner was sitting and spoke cheerfully with those present, but ignored Kylie, who wanted to congratulate her. Moore briefly replied "thank you" to Kylie, who was celebrating her with "Congratulations!" and preferred to chat with Elle Fanning and then Timothée Chalamet. Moments when Kylie's discomfort was evident quickly spread on social media. Social media users argued that the reason for the famous actress's behavior was that Jenner had imitated Moore's appearance from the movie Striptease on Halloween a few months ago.