In the town of Woking, located in Surrey, England, a woman named Laura Winham was found dead in her apartment. It was revealed that the woman, whose body was discovered about two months after her family called for help from the authorities, had actually died much earlier. Winham's body was found by her brother in May 2021. It was determined that Winham, who was 41 years old at the time, had passed away and that her body had remained in her apartment for three and a half years. During a hearing at the Surrey Coroner's Court, it was stated that Winham died in November 2017 and that her body was found in May 2021. Her family claimed that Laura was 'abandoned to death' by social and mental health services. Investigations revealed that Winham's family had informed Woking Borough Council (WBC) about their concerns regarding Laura's situation approximately two months before the body was found. Following this complaint, council officials went to her apartment and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. A former employee of New Vision Homes, the council's housing service provider, stated that Winham's sister reached out to New Vision Homes on March 31, 2021, to inquire whether contact had been made with Laura. The family was worried about the letters piling up in Laura's mailbox, and in this regard, council officials went to the woman's door but received no response. It was learned that Laura had been struggling with schizophrenia for years, and this condition had caused her to sever ties with her family. Her family stated that Laura believed she would harm them due to her illness, which is why they could not establish contact. The judicial investigation is ongoing.