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Kastamonuspor team faces a stone attack from fans in Iğdır: 2 injured.

Kastamonuspor team faces a stone attack from fans in Iğdır: 2 injured.

24.05.2024 12:42

Kastamonuspor players and technical staff, who were guests of Iğdır FK in the 4th round of the TFF 2nd League Play-Off, were subjected to an attack by a group of fans. The fans threw stones at the bus carrying the players and injured two goalkeepers.

After the TFF 2nd League Play-Off 4th round match between Iğdır FK and Kastamonuspor, incidents occurred. The Kastamonuspor team, who went to Iğdır for the match, was attacked by a group of Iğdır FK fans. The fans who threw stones at the bus carrying the players also injured the team's 2 goalkeepers.

The Kastamonuspor team, who were guests of Iğdır FK, lost the match 2-1. After the match, the bus carrying the Kastamonuspor players and technical staff, who were leaving the stadium to go to their hotel, was stoned by a group of Iğdır FK fans.

Later, the group that verbally and physically attacked the players in front of the hotel where the team stayed attacked the Kastamonuspor players with stones and soda bottles, injuring goalkeepers Abdullah Yiğiter and Yasin Davuş with blows to their heads. The police, who took security measures in the area, tried to remove the group.

After the incident, Kastamonuspor President Cengiz Aygün expressed his reaction with the following statement: "At the moment, my priority is the safe return of my team to Kastamonu. Necessary complaints have been made to all authorities. It didn't work, my Iğdır, it didn't work. This is not appropriate for my people in Iğdır, the account of every drop of blood shed by my children will be asked for. Why this hatred, this animosity, we are brothers. Iğdır Governor, Iğdır Police Chief, Jandarma Regiment Commander, please do your duties. Kastamonu is not helpless. Kastamonu loves everyone, but it is the silent devil who stands against injustice. Iğdır is a part of my country. I cannot attribute what a group of people from Iğdır did to all of Iğdır. However, there is a security vulnerability in Iğdır, and I invite all our state institutions to fulfill their duties."

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