Former CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu shared a video on his social media account after a long break. Kılıçdaroğlu, who directed harsh criticisms towards CHP Chairman Özgür Özel and the CHP administration, reacted to the 'normalization' process. TOLD THE SCORPION AND FROG STORYKılıçdaroğlu, who said, "There is a very famous scorpion and frog story that you all know," stated, "As you know, the scorpion, which does not know how to swim, kills the frog it convinces to carry it across the river by stinging it. And in response, it says, 'I am a scorpion, it's in my nature.'" Kılıçdaroğlu also remarked, "The moral of the story is that if you believe in scorpions, if you do not fight against them, if you try to appear sweet, if you normalize, those who should be held accountable will turn around and hold you accountable. And in the end, you will drown in the middle of the river." MESSAGE TO CHPThe former chairman, who also sent a message to the CHP, said, "Dear brothers and sisters, let us not forget that the darkest moment of the night is the moment closest to dawn. With the strength we derive from our establishment and liberation, no member of the Republican People's Party has the right to fall into despair and surrender to darkness. Our struggle for justice will continue."