01.03.2025 22:20
The leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahçeli, issued a message of "Terror-free Turkey" following the call from terrorist leader Abdullah Öcalan for the PKK to lay down its arms. Bahçeli stated, "The call that has come is valuable from beginning to end. A historic opportunity has been opened for Turkey." He added, "Whoever supports the democratization process unconditionally is appreciated on behalf of the noble Turkish nation."
The Chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahçeli, published a written statement evaluating the call of terrorist leader Abdullah Öcalan for the PKK to lay down arms and the response from the PKK regarding this call.
Bahçeli included the following statements in his announcement:
"It is well known that political turmoil, armed conflicts, systemic fractures, and many other distortions have poisoned the atmosphere of peace, tranquility, and security for humanity.
A world picture with disrupted stability and chained will is faced with all its risks and uncertainties.
How the multi-variable global political equation will be solved, and even if solved, what its end and consequences will be, is unknown; it is also a complex enigma that needs to be pondered upon.
Simultaneously rising geopolitical tensions, economic confrontations, and strategic alignments, alongside the increasing bar of moral, spiritual, and legal crises, are continuously gaining new positions and different dimensions.
In such a chaotic environment and conditions, a historical opportunity has opened for Turkey.
The civilization heritage and the esteemed existence of our nation, which we are the heirs of, is our only guarantee against regional and global threats.
The Turkish nation has held the Anatolian geography as its homeland for a thousand years.
Of course, heavy prices have been paid during this thousand-year process.
The honor of our destiny and the symbol of our sacred values, the dear homeland, has also found its true meaning and content through the unity and brotherhood of the human treasure living on it.
It has been certified and confirmed by the witnesses of centuries that we are not temporary, nomadic, seasonal tenants and visitors in the Anatolian geography.
The Turkish nation is a collection and source of pride of a colossal brotherhood consciousness with deep roots.
All the pains experienced until today have not cast a shadow on the belief and desire to live together.
The malicious games of global imperialism have been thwarted by the unparalleled determination of national solidarity.
Every individual who gives blood, color, spirit, and body to the Turkish nation has become soldiers of a noble embrace that concentrates far above regional, linguistic, and cultural differences.
The Republic of Turkey has been fighting against the separatist terrorist organization PKK since 1984.
This struggle is just, legitimate, legal, and certainly worthy of the highest level of appreciation and respect.
Finally, in the new century, we have reached the dawn of a terror-free Turkey, and thus, the sunrise of national peace and tranquility is imminent.
The statement read to the public by the DEM delegation on February 27, 2025, and written in Imralı is valuable and important from beginning to end.
The PKK terrorist organization, which aimed to establish a great Kurdistan within the Marxist-Leninist framework by holding its first congress in Fis Village of the Lice District of Diyarbakır on November 27, 1978, has been called by its founding leader to dissolve its organizational structure after 47 years.
The statements made from Kandil are supportive and complementary to this call, and indeed, they are pleasing.
The leaders of the PKK terrorist organization in Kandil have rallied around Imralı and supporting the February 27 call at this stage is an organizational consistency that benefits everyone.
Achieving results through terrorism is a naive dream.
Tolerating the incitement and meddling of the Turkish-Kurdish brotherhood is now both impossible and pursuing such a mistake is a futile thought.
The call has been made to all components of the separatist organization; compliance and success will add strength to Turkey in the new century, enhancing the thousand-year brotherhood on one side and solidifying it on the other.
The Nationalist Movement Party is grateful to anyone who sincerely contributes to the goal of a terror-free Turkey and unconditionally supports the democratization process on behalf of the noble Turkish nation.
The attempts of some ill-intentioned individuals embedded in the media to vilify the February 27 call and undermine the steps towards peace and tranquility are a sinister plot.
Those who strive to dilute the longing for a terror-free Turkey and muddy the environment of cautious optimism should be known to be the ones who carry water to the mill of separatism and are subcontracted non-national mentalities that benefit from the continuation of the bloody attacks of terrorism.
It is not possible to speak of the innocence and reasonableness of those who frown by bringing up the questions "What was given? What was taken?" and disturb the positive climate.
Those who are afraid of the PKK potentially dissolving will find their source of exploitation drying up, and Turkey will enter a magnificent awakening on the path of the new century.
By paying maximum attention to provocations, remaining vigilant against the provocations of marginalized groups, and intervening in a timely and prepared manner against the scenarios of countries that have eyes and targets in our neighboring regions, the doors of an era surrounded by violence and betrayal will be closed forever.
It is essential that there is no compromise in the fight against terrorism.
Those who are mentally, emotionally, intellectually, and morally dried up and rotten enough not to know that the state will not negotiate will be trapped in absurd rhetorical traps without the Turkish and Turkey Century being established and secured through unity and strength.
The Turkish nation is writing a new history.
There will never be a place for opponents of the homeland and the nation in the pages of this history.
I once again congratulate our blessed nation and the Turkish-Islamic world on the holy month of Ramadan, and I pray to God to always preserve our unity, integrity, and brotherhood.
A terror-free Turkey, a peaceful Turkey, a superpower Turkey is not a goal to be reached tomorrow, but immediately, and it is entrusted to our political honor."