President Erdoğan spoke at the 8th Ordinary Provincial Congress of his party at the Rize Yenişehir Sports Hall. Erdoğan, who made harsh criticisms to party members, said, "What I am saying may seem difficult, but know that this President receives many complaints. The AK Party cannot be like this." STRIKING STATEMENTS FROM ERDOĞANHere are the highlights from President Erdoğan's statements: "Dear comrades, I greet you with love and respect. From here, I embrace all my brothers in the districts and villages of Rize with affection. I thank God who brought us together in Rize, which I am in love with its water and air, and its people, my ancestral homeland. May our congress be auspicious. I wish success to my brothers who take over the flag with a passion for service, and I express my gratitude to my brothers who are handing over the duty for their efforts. We say that we can give up on everything, but we cannot give up on Rize. As long as you are with us with your heart and support, we will not leave any struggle unwon. The Black Sea may run out, but the love for Rize's cause, its people, and Turkey will never run out. We have a long way to go in serving the country. We have not let our faces be blackened against friends and foes. We have made Turkey one of the strongest countries in the world. In the Century of Turkey, we will continue to work with the determination of the Black Sea. Every step we have taken recently is a building block of the Century of Turkey. While we say these things, we are not making empty statements like some others, nor are we relying on controversial data. We do not trust the roles assigned by imperialists like some others. We owe our lives to this nation. How can we forget the millions who walked to their deaths without blinking during the coup attempt by the treacherous FETÖ? How can we forget the brave souls who surrounded the airport we landed at in Istanbul and the Presidential Complex as a human shield? How can we forget those who lay under tanks, those who walked into bullets and turned into superheroes? If we forget them, our hearts will turn to stone. We are a party whose fate is intertwined with the fate of its country. The more productive the People's Alliance is, the easier it will be for Turkey to achieve all its goals. "OUR GOAL IS A TERROR-FREE TURKEY"We have an incredible opportunity to make history together. Just as success cannot be achieved in any field of life without taking risks, politics cannot be done either. Our goal is a terror-free Turkey. The results of the steps we take will be for the benefit of the nation. The most important problem in Turkey is the occupation of every place by the sweet water leftists. These types can infiltrate among us as well. There is no place for those who have this understanding among us. No matter what position you hold, if our citizens come to you asking for a job to be done, you have no right to refer them elsewhere. As long as you do this, as your party leader, I do not forgive you. Some may find what I am saying difficult, but know that this President receives many complaints. I need to shout these complaints here; everyone needs to know. "WE WILL OPEN THE DOOR TO A NEW ERA"While we are doing our politics, we must serve our rightful cause, not anyone else. We must do this not with any expectation of gain but with the awareness of the responsibility our cause imposes. Otherwise, you will turn the party into a business. This is a situation we will never allow or tolerate. There are enough parties, NGOs, and municipalities in Turkey that operate like businesses, but the AK Party cannot be like this. Some transfer the resources of the nation to terrorist organizations, some waste them, some use them for their political careers. This is treason to this nation. We cannot be involved in political engineering. We are a government that has accomplished 20 times more in 22 years than what was done in 80 years. We are an AK Party that has emerged as the door of hope for the nation since its establishment, coming out first from the ballot box. We have many more works to contribute to the country. For this reason, we see our congresses as a ground for a resurgence. We will open the door to a new era. Our goal is to raise our party to the 50% band. If we do not remind the nation of the works we have brought to every inch of the country's land, the incompetent will come and try to deceive the nation by presenting their insignificant achievements as great successes. They will insidiously work to implant false and exaggerated activities in the minds of the people. While the state of cities like Istanbul and Ankara is evident, they will try to beautify and polish them. To prevent our nation from falling for this ugly game, we will tell about the works we have done at every opportunity. Our bags are full to the brim with our successes in every area. We will expose the lies of our opponents one by one. Our Samsun-Trabzon-Sarp high-speed train project will provide railway transportation between Ankara and the Black Sea Region and Georgia, which borders the Black Sea. (Samsun-Trabzon-Sarp High-Speed Train Line) We are connecting our cities of Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Rize, and Artvin with a high-speed train line starting from Samsun."