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President Erdogan's reaction to Roblox! He did not mention any names, but used very harsh expressions.

President Erdogan's reaction to Roblox! He did not mention any names, but used very harsh expressions.

06.09.2024 15:41

President Erdogan used strong words regarding the Roblox gaming platform, which was blocked last month, without mentioning its name. Erdogan stated, "In addition to promoting violence, gaming platforms also contribute to the encouragement of deviant trends that disrupt our family structure. Not only violence and deviant trends, but also racism is being fueled. Racist fascism, which alienates our people from other individuals they live together with, is being nourished from these platforms."

President Erdogan spoke at the Opening of the Education Year, Education Technologies R&D and Quality Summit. Erdogan, who used harsh words for the Roblox game platform, which was blocked last month, said, "In addition to promoting violence, game platforms also contribute to the promotion of deviant trends that disrupt our family structure. Not only violence, not only deviant trends, but also racism is being fueled."


Here are some highlights from President Erdogan's statements: "Dear members of our Ministry, esteemed teachers, dear students, esteemed guests, I greet you with heartfelt feelings of love and respect. I am delighted to be with you on the occasion of the 5th International Education Technology Research, Development and Quality Summit."


I express my gratitude to all participants who will enlighten the audience with their academic studies, presentations, experiences, and knowledge. I wish the 2024-2025 academic year to be auspicious for our students, teachers, and the education community. We started the new academic year with adaptation programs organized for preschool and 1st grade students on Monday. Other students will return to their schools on Monday, September 9th. I embrace all our children who carry the excitement of school in their hearts with love and wish them all great success from God.


We frequently witness how social media and certain game platforms poison our youth. In addition to promoting violence, game platforms also contribute to the promotion of deviant trends that disrupt our family structure. Not only violence, not only deviant trends, but also racism is being fueled. Racist fascism, which alienates our people from other individuals they live together with, is nourished from these platforms.


The epicenter of the racism trap that tries to weaken Turkey economically, socially, and in terms of security is the virtual world. The uncontrolled structure of the digital world brings many threats with it. Criticisms are intensifying due to increasing risks. We see that various measures and restrictions have been implemented in many countries around the world. Especially in the harsh measures taken by Western states to protect their own citizens, no one talks about freedoms.

Instead of defending the rights and laws of our children, some circles in our country advocate for the interests of international companies. It is unacceptable to legitimize violence, immorality, racism, hate crimes, and even abuse under the mask of freedom."

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