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Sevda Demirel called for Sharia law after Narin's death! Reactions are overwhelming.

Sevda Demirel called for Sharia law after Narin's death! Reactions are overwhelming.

10.09.2024 13:00

Sevda Demirel, who spoke about 8-year-old Narin, whose lifeless body was found in a sack on the 19th day of her disappearance, said, "If Sharia laws are to be implemented, I am ready for eternal closure as long as they hang these people." Demirel's words drew public outrage.

In the Baglar district of Diyarbakir, 8-year-old Narin, who went missing, was found dead in a sack on the 19th day of her disappearance. Narin, who mourned Turkey with her death, was laid to rest yesterday. Sevda Demirel's call for Sharia during a ceremony sparked reactions.


Speaking to Magazin Burada at an award ceremony, Sevda Demirel said about Narin's death, "If Sharia laws are to be implemented, I am ready for eternal closure as long as they hang these people! Of course, it's a solution! A very serious deterrent. I accept Sharia, closure, etc. infinitely. Just hang them, swing them with a crane. No! Not to animals, not to children, not to babies! These are not really human beings. They are the employees of the devil, a normal person would not do this," she said.

Sevda Demirel calls for Sharia after Narin's death! Reactions are overwhelming


Sevda Demirel quickly made it to the X trending list due to her words. Comments such as "How can a sane person defend the death penalty in Turkey" were made about Demirel, who received criticism for her Sharia remarks.

Here are some comments:

Sevda Demirel calls for Sharia after Narin's death! Reactions are overwhelming


After the reactions, Sevda Demirel made a statement on her Instagram account, saying, "Please don't distort the issue. Of course, due to my anger, I may have used some sentences, words in a big way, but I meant to say that I am even ready for them to be hanged, even for the worst case scenario, I am ready for Sharia. Of course, I am a secular Turkish woman," she said.

Sevda Demirel calls for Sharia after Narin's death! Reactions are overwhelming
Sevda Demirel calls for Sharia after Narin's death! Reactions are overwhelming
Sevda Demirel calls for Sharia after Narin's death! Reactions are overwhelming

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