01.03.2025 00:40
According to the Official Gazette published with the signature of President Erdoğan, the TRNC Ambassador Yasin Ekrem Serim has been recalled, and Ali Murat Başçeri has been appointed as the new Ambassador to the TRNC.
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New appointment decisions were published in the Official Gazette with the signature of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. According to the decisions, new appointments were made to embassies in seven countries.
The Ambassador of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Yasin Ekrem Serim, has been recalled. Ali Murat Başçeri has been appointed as the Ambassador to the TRNC in place of Serim.
Meanwhile, Ali Murat Ersoy has been appointed to the Embassy of India, Elif Çomoğlu to the Embassy of Italy, Sadık Arslan to the Embassy of Singapore, Armağan İnci Ersoy to the Embassy of Panama, Oya Yazar to the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Laos, and Mekin Mustafa Kemal Ökem to the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The Ambassador of Yemen, Mustafa Pulat, has also been recalled.
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