04.03.2025 22:30
Halk TV General Broadcast Director Suat Toktaş, who was acquitted in the 'expert witness' case he was tried in while in detention, has been released from prison. Speaking to the press after his release, Toktaş stated, "Today's decision has been one that keeps our hope for justice alive."
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In the press conference organized by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, a decision was made in the case of journalists who were investigated due to their news about the expert S.B., which was brought to the agenda.
In the first hearing, it was decided to acquit Suat Toktaş, the General Broadcast Director of Halk TV, as well as Responsible Manager Serhan Asker, Programs Coordinator Kürşad Oğuz, programmer Barış Pehlivan, and presenter Seda Selek. Additionally, it was ruled for Toktaş's release, while the prosecutor's objection to the release decision was rejected.
Following the decision, Toktaş was released from the Marmara High Security Prison where he was held. Many press members, along with his family and relatives, welcomed Toktaş at the prison exit.
In his first statement after his release, Toktaş said: "We had put the channel's slogan as 'You are not alone' knowing what we were doing. I had told our viewers not to leave Halk TV alone. There was a serious sense of ownership. When you look inside, it is surprising. Because I had never been someone in the forefront. But there was a great sense of ownership. My first thank you is to our viewers. My second thank you is to politicians and lawyers. There were many visitors. It is also a means for those inside to get out of their cells. It is very valuable for me. My other thank you is to my journalist friends who came to the hearing. My journalist friends from different channels and newspapers of all views almost guaranteed my journalism. I especially thank my lawyers.
Another thank you goes to Cafer Mahiroğlu, who stood behind us like a door. Thank you. I watched you and my voice trembles, I felt proud. The story about me was given as much as it should be; the essence was journalism. I thank the employees of Halk TV. We still see judicial members in Turkey who nourish the hope for justice. Today's decision was a decision that nourished our hope. No other decision could be expected from that file."
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