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The female leader of the organization involved in fraud in Turkey turned out to be Chinese.

The female leader of the organization involved in fraud in Turkey turned out to be Chinese.

24.05.2024 15:59

In operations carried out in 17 provinces, 38 suspects involved in fraud, reaching a transaction volume of 1 billion 49 million TL and laundering this money by converting it into crypto assets, were detained. It was revealed that one of the leaders of the gang is Chinese. A woman who speaks broken Turkish expressed her reaction to journalists filming them.

One of the leaders of the gang that organized in 17 provinces of Turkey and defrauded many citizens nationwide in a short period of time, S.X., was captured by the gendarmerie in Istanbul and brought to Nazilli district of Aydın.

They converted the money they defrauded, reaching a transaction volume of 1 billion 49 million TL, into crypto assets and laundered it. 38 suspects who were determined to have committed fraud and laundered this money by converting it into crypto assets were detained by the gendarmerie.

In the operations carried out by the Aydın Provincial Gendarmerie Command and the Cyber Crimes Unit under the coordination of the Nazilli Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, it was revealed that one of the leaders of the organized crime group that committed the crimes of "Qualified Fraud by Using Information Systems" and "Money Laundering through Crypto Assets" was a Chinese woman.

A Chinese woman named S.X., who was one of the 38 suspects detained by the gendarmerie in Istanbul and brought to Nazilli district of Aydın, was sent to the courthouse along with other suspects after her interrogation. Reacting to the journalists who took pictures during the transfer, the woman asked, "Why are you taking photos?"

The trial of the suspects, who were detained and sent to the courthouse in simultaneous operations in 17 provinces including Nazilli district of Aydın, İzmir, Istanbul, Hatay, Ankara, Sakarya, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Manisa, Bartın, Tekirdağ, Van, Balıkesir, Sivas, Samsun, Kütahya, and Uşak, is ongoing.

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