Ekaterina Burnazkina (18), a Russian national who was arrested for "attempted murder" after giving birth in the disabled toilet at Antalya Airport on October 13 and leaving her baby in the toilet while trying to leave the country, appeared before the judge. During the hearing at the Antalya 3rd Heavy Penal Court, grandmother Elena Burnazkina participated via SEGBİS from prison, while mother Ekaterina Burnazkina, along with her grandmother and the voluntary lawyers registered with the Antalya Bar Association, Ayşegül Kübra Polat and her brother Beyzanur Polat İlya, were present in the courtroom. "I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT UNTIL THE POLICE TOLD ME"Ekaterina Burnazkina expressed her sadness about the incident during the hearing, stating, "I didn't know I had given birth until the police told me. I thought what happened was due to health issues." "WE THOUGHT IT WAS DUE TO THE FOOD WE ATE"Grandmother Elena Burnazkina stated that she was unaware of her daughter's birth in the airport toilet, saying, "We also experienced health issues while we were on vacation in Alanya. We thought it was entirely due to the food we ate. I even took my daughter to the hospital. They didn't say she was pregnant there either. We were given medication and sent home." LAWYER'S "CRYPTIC PREGNANCY" DEFENSEElena Burnazkina's lawyer, Ayşegül Kübra Polat, stated, "While my client's daughter did not know she was pregnant until the moment of birth, she did not fully understand what was happening at the time of birth either. Although this may sound impossible, there is a medical counterpart to this situation. Cryptic pregnancy is what it is called. In such pregnancies, it has been found that some women do not realize they are pregnant until the 4th or 5th month, and some women are unaware until the moment of birth. There are many cases of this in the world. There is no intent in this incident." Ekaterina Burnazkina's lawyer, Beyzanur Polat İlya, presented precedent decisions regarding cryptic pregnancy to the court. "EVERYWHERE WAS BLOOD"A female airport employee who found the baby in the toilet also attended the hearing as a witness. The employee stated, "Everywhere was blood. One of the baby's feet was in the water. The moment I picked it up, it started crying." NO RELEASE FOR THE "MOTHER"The court decided to appoint a guardian for the baby, to release grandmother Elena Burnazkina under judicial control, and to continue the detention of her daughter Ekaterina Burnazkina. WHAT HAPPENED?On October 13, a newborn baby was found in the toilet by a cleaning staff at the disabled toilet of Antalya Airport. Investigations revealed that the baby had been abandoned by Russian citizen Ekaterina Burnazkina just 12 minutes before being found. It was determined that Burnazkina, along with her mother Elena Burnazkina, had gone to the fast passport counters to complete exit procedures from the country. The mother and daughter were caught while trying to leave for Moscow. The newborn baby and mother Burnazkina were taken to the hospital for treatment. After being discharged, mother Burnazkina was arrested for "attempted murder."