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There was a brawl during the "Vigil for Justice" of the earthquake victims: Then why didn't you come to rescue?

There was a brawl during the

27.05.2024 19:41

Police intervened in the "Justice Vigil" of Döne Kaya, who lost her mother, sister, brother, and nephew in the earthquakes on February 6th, and other earthquake victims in Fuat Koku Site in Hatay. Sema Olukpınar, a mother who lost her 9-year-old son in the same site, said, "Why didn't you come to rescue us then? As a mother, I am fighting for justice on the streets. Is this the justice of the Turkish state, is this it?"

In the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, Döne Kaya, who lost her mother, sister, brother, and nephew in Antakya Fuat Koku Site, and the earthquake victims with her were intervened by the police during the "Justice Vigil" in front of the Human Rights Monument on Konur Street. Sema Olukpınar, a mother who lost her 9-year-old son in the same site, expressed her reaction by saying, "No one came to rescue. As a mother, I am fighting for justice on the streets. Is this the justice of the Turkish state, is this it? Why am I fighting for justice on the streets, someone explain to me. Aren't we citizens of the Republic of Turkey?"


In the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 65 people lost their lives in Fuat Koku Site in Antakya, Hatay. Döne Kaya, who lost her mother, sister, brother, and nephew in the site, was in the fourth week of her "Justice Vigil" with the demand for fair trial and justice. Starting her justice vigil at Ankara Courthouse in Sıhhiye, Kaya was in front of the Human Rights Monument this time with Sema Olukpınar, who lost her 9-year-old son in the earthquake, to make a call for justice. The police tried to remove Kaya and Olukpınar from the monument and intervened.

Arbede yaşandı Depremzedelerin 'Adalet Nöbeti'nde: O zaman niye gelmediniz kurtarmaya?


The police said they were carrying banners, while Olukpınar showed the photo of her son and said, "I lost my son, not a banner. I want my voice to be heard" and expressed her reaction. The police did not allow Olukpınar and Kaya to sit in front of the monument, and then an altercation occurred. During the altercation, the police told a person who was a relative of those who fell and died, "Don't act out. Don't obstruct us, don't obstruct the police." Then, in the argument, the police took the photo from the mother Olukpınar.

Arbede yaşandı Depremzedelerin 'Adalet Nöbeti'nde: O zaman niye gelmediniz kurtarmaya?


Olukpınar said, "We lost 6 of our children. Why didn't you come to rescue us then? Why are you attacking us now? How did we raise those children? How did we rescue our children from those ruins? Why didn't you hear these, now you are obstructing us. We are still fighting for justice. Let someone hear us, let's defend the rights of our children. Aren't we citizens of this Turkey, isn't this injustice done to us?" expressing her reaction.

Kaya and Olukpınar sat in front of the monument and held a banner that said "Not a disaster, a massacre. We want justice." When the police told them to disperse, the earthquake victim's relative who protested against the police removed Kaya and Olukpınar from their place. The police did not allow the person who was removed to be seen by removing their shields. Olukpınar said, "No one came to rescue. As a mother, I am fighting for justice on the streets. Is this the justice of the Turkish state, is this it? Why am I fighting for justice on the streets, someone explain to me. Aren't we citizens of the Republic of Turkey? What are we doing?"

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